ESS Vision 2020 Recent developments


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Presentation transcript:

ESS Vision 2020 Recent developments Two main issues are presented : Resource Directors Group Luxembourg, 27-28.04.2017

Contents ESS Vision 2020 portfolio development ESS Vision 2020 Video clip Stock taking of ESS Vision 2020 Next steps

Portfolio management - monitoring report 1. ESS Vision 2020 – portfolio (2) Portfolio management - monitoring report The ESS Vision 2020 portfolio is on track and delivery confidence remains high. Leaving the supporting framework on Cooperation Models (for which we will have a more in-depth presentation under item 5) aside for the moment, I would like to take the opportunity to draw your attention to some recent highlights of the various projects:

1. ESS Vision 2020 – portfolio (3) ADMIN Administrative data sources Report on legal institutional environment in the ESS is available for consultation; The methodological helpdesk is now operational and accessible to colleagues throughout the ESS BIGD Big Data ESSnet together with CEDEFOP work on 'job vacancies' web scraping ; The European Big Data Hackathon (a joint BIGD/DIGICOM activity), which was organized back-to-back with the NTTS 2017 conference, was highly successful; A new Big Data ESSnet has just started. DIGICOM Digital communication, User analytics and Innovative products Facebook page: European Statistics, Visualisation tools: "You in EU" and "Government Expenditure" and ‘The life of Women and Men in the EU’; Hackathon back-to-back NTTS2017 ESBRs European system of interoperable business registers ESSNet´s work on the Interoperability Framework is completed; A two‑year extension of the project running time was approved (new end date: 31/10/2020); The European Profiling Task Force is working on adjusting and improving the profiling methodology.

1. ESS Vision 2020 – portfolio (4) ESDEN European statistical data exchange network The Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations (TESTA) - secure network is also available together with CCN; The EDAMIS (Electronic Data files administration and Management Information System) offers standard solutions for exchanging files. The migration plan from EDAMIS 3 to EDAMIS 4 has been established, with migration completed by March 2018. SERV Shared services The ESSNet is well progressing: guidelines available, now working on deploying services; Development of the Service Catalogue is progressing, and the initial release of Service Catalogue v2.0 is foreseen for May. EA Enterprise Architecture Framework Workshop with all MS; Framework for ESBRs and Validation; project reviews of SERV, DIGICOM, ESDEN, QUAL; The Statistical Production Reference Architecture was updated in order to be aligned with European Interoperability Reference Architecture integrated in SERV. Qual Quality Framework High-Level Group on Quality (HLG-Q) ; ESS Code of Practice to be revised

2. ESS Vision 2020 Video clip Collaboration with the PM and a dedicated VIG sub-group 5 VIP projects 6 video clips: 5 standalone stories and one long story Core audience: NSI's colleagues Presentation of the video clip

3. ESS Vision 2020 stock-taking

Objectives of the analysis "Check-up" of the Vision implementation: What has been the focus so far? What will be the areas on which to focus in the future? How can the implementation be improved? Identify potential gaps in the implementation of the Vision Does the current portfolio adequately cover the Vision? How do emerging technological trends impact the Vision and its implementation?

Main sources for the analysis In-depth analysis of how the ESS Vision 2020 implementation portfolio relates to initial objectives of the Vision Analysis of the project reviews conducted by the Enterprise Architecture framework Analysis of technological trends by the Enterprise Architecture framework

Portfolio analysis: methodology Vision statements BCM Capabilities Project deliverables Key Vision statements/phrases identified Each statement linked to capabilities from the ESS Business Capability Model and to relevant ESS Vision 2020 project deliverables

Portfolio evolution: main findings Out of 99 major deliverables, 34 delivered so far 2017 is expected to be peak year for deliverables

Stock-taking exercise Portfolio evolution: main findings IT developments (Key Area 4) dominated ESS Vision 2020 output so far. Growth of output in other areas expected to rebalance portfolio in the coming years.

Stock-taking exercise Vision gaps: main findings

Vision gaps: main findings Most capabilities are receiving the expected amount of attention/resources Capabilities related to flexible statistical outputs under-developed The concept of "tailor-made" statistics and EU data pool" are often mentioned in the Vision but not tackled head-on by the portfolio "Design production systems" capability overdeveloped

EA reviews: main findings "Infrastructural" deliverables/projects are adapting to the needs of business projects (e.g. ESDEN adapting to needs of ESBRs) However, continuous efforts needed to ensure that the infrastructural deliverables develop into more concrete business outcomes, especially as the BIG DATA and DIGICOM projects reach full maturity

Relevant technological trends Emerging technological trends are putting more emphasis on the strengthening of specific capabilities. Data integration / data analytics Common exploration of modern data platforms / data management paradigms may be useful Metadata management DIGICOM project already exploring this aspect Data security and protection Several initiatives exist but aspect could be deepened

4. Next steps The VIG continues to monitor the development of the ESS Vision 2020 projects oversees and promotes deployment continues to work on communication activities envisages discussion about competition within the information market

Thank you for your attention !