Computer Science Graduate By: Josh Allison Eric O’Connor Computer Science Graduate By: Josh Allison
Brief Summary About Me Junior CS/IST double major Involved in many sports and Cyber Defense Team
Background Born in Andover, Massachusetts At first a Political Science Major Soon transferred to Computer Science
Extracurriculars at Mercer Binary Bears First Place 2010 CCSC Programming Competition Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Students in Sr. year work closely with a faculty member on a research problem Robotics
Professors at the Computer Science Department Professors knew Eric on a personal level not just as a student Enjoyed social activities with faculty outside of class Great Community
Where Is He Now? Currently Eric is working on programing automated wind turbines in Colorado In the past worked in Boston programing Multi AI cooperation As well as hardware security
Advice for Freshmen “Learn different tools along side your courses, be active in extracurricular activities, have a minor that relates to your major, and become friends with your professors.” Eric O’Connor