Certificate in Personal Finance 2016/2017
Why study Personal Finance? The aim of the course is to equip young people with the knowledge and skills to be able to cope confidently and effectively with basic financial encounters they are likely to meet.
Examples of Financial Encounters Opening a bank account Getting a job Different ways of earning money Saving money Taking out a loan Spending money
Certificate in Personal Finance There are 3 units which you will study over the year. Unit 1 – Personal Finance Encounters Unit 2 – Money Management Solutions Unit 3 – Personal Financial Management Each unit will be assessed with a written paper exam. All 3 units must be passed to gain the award.
Certificate in Personal Finance All 3 units are divided into different topics. At the end of each topic you will be given a short written test before moving on to the next topic. If you fail any of the unit assessments you will be given an opportunity to resit at a later date.
Certificate in Personal Finance The Personal Finance qualification is not an SQA award like your other subjects The course and examination is provided by the IFS (Institute of Financial Services) Unlike the courses run by the SQA, the school has to pay the IFS for each pupil presented for the award.