Strong lensing probability to test TeVeS


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Presentation transcript:

Strong lensing probability to test TeVeS Chen, Da-Ming (CDM) 陈大明 National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, Beijing, China

Outline MOND TeVeS Test: CMB Test: strong lensing probability Discussion


Interpolation function With for x<<1 and for x>>1. Generally, we can define (Zhao & Tian 2006) So that for n=1.5 and standard form for n=3

Then the “true” acceleration is

TeVeS (Tensor-Vector-Scalar) The metric between TeVeS and General Relativity (GR) is TeVeS cosmology has the same form with the LCDM

Test: CMB McGaugh(2004)

Test: CMB Phys.Rev.Lett. 96 (2006) 011301

From Skordis et al. (astro-ph/0505519)

Bad News for MOND! Astro-ph/0608407


Test: strong lensing probability ApJL, accepted (astro-ph/0606506)

(Hernquist model)


Discussion TeVeS (MOND) predicts higher lensing efficiency than LCDM. Mondian or Dark halo Newtonian r0

Merci Thanks 谢谢