Sub heading for your presentation – Arial 20pt Title slide - Arial 44pt Sub heading for your presentation – Arial 20pt
The Climate Challenge Fund The Scottish Government's Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) provides grants and support for community-led organisations to tackle climate change by running projects that reduce local carbon emissions. Since its launch in 2008 the CCF has supported in excess of 1,000 projects, with £101 million of funding awarded for activities including: energy efficiency improvements to community owned buildings and home energy efficiency advice lower carbon travel options community growing initiatives schemes to tackle waste
The European Regional Development Fund The £15.3 million 2018-20 CCF is made up of £14.3 million from the Scottish Government and £1 million from the European Regional Development Fund. Keep Scotland Beautiful have worked with Zero Waste Scotland’s Resource Efficient Circular Economy Accelerator Programme and the Scottish Government, in the allocation of match funding through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to support projects involving waste and circular economy activities, or installation of energy efficient measures in community-owned buildings. The ERDF comes from the European Structural and Investment Fund which helps to facilitate major investments to support transformational change and economic and social structural reforms across Scotland. The Scottish Government is the Managing Authority for the European Structural Funds 2014-20 Programme. For further information visit the website or follow @scotgovESIF
Training and support Keep Scotland Beautiful manages the CCF on behalf of the Scottish Government. Keep Scotland Beautiful has staff that support applicants and those awarded grants. They also offer free training, events and support to help communities across Scotland build their capacity to tackle climate change. Find out more
Insert your CCF project name <<insert organisation name >> has been awarded a Climate Challenge Fund grant totalling <<insert amount>> which includes a maximum contribution of <<insert amount>> from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).* The <<insert your CCF project name>> will be run by <insert organisation name> and will offer free support <<insert where and when>> to help people <do what e.g. save energy in the home>> as well as supplying information on <<what>> and climate change. Learn more about <<insert project name>> at <<insert web address>> *The ERDF comes from the European Structural and Investment Fund which helps to facilitate major investments to support transformational change and economic and social structural reforms across Scotland. The Scottish Government is the Managing Authority for the European Structural Funds 2014-20 Programme. For further information visit the website or follow @scotgovESIF
<Title suggested size Arial 36> Suggested introduction paragraph style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Insert image
<Title suggested size Arial 36> Suggested introduction paragraph style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Insert image
<Title suggested size Arial 36> Suggested introduction paragraph style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Insert image
<Title suggested size Arial 36> Suggested introduction paragraph style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Insert image
<Title suggested size Arial 36> Suggested introduction paragraph style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Insert image
<Title suggested size Arial 36> Suggested introduction paragraph style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Suggested body text style and size – Arial 20pt. Insert image
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