Commands Mandatos/commands Use commands when you want to tell someone what to do. Go to the store. Turn left at the light. Be quiet. Sit down. In Spanish, you can use formal (Ud.) or informal (tú) commands.
Formal Commands To form formal (Ud.) commands: Take the YO form. For AR verbs, drop the AR and add an e. For ER and IR verbs, use an a (opposite ending) Example: Hablar--- Ud. hable! (TALK!) Comer – Ud. Coma. Eat.
Negative Formal Commands To make a formal command negative in Spanish, use the same form as you would use with a positive command and add NO in front. No hable. – Dont talk. No coma. – Dont eat.
Irregular Formal Commands Car, gar, zar verbs AND ger verbs and guir verbs have spelling changes. Sacar- saque (take out) – no saque Llegar – llegue (arrive) – no llegue Organizar – organice (organize) – no oraganice Recoger – recoja (pick up) – no recoja Seguir- siga (keep going, continue) – no siga
Plural (Uds.) Commands To tell two or more people to do or not do something, add –n to the formal command form: Muchachos, abran la ventana, por favor. Chicas, no lleguen tarde.
Irregular Ud. formal commands infinitiveUd commandUds. command Dar- to givedédéden Ser- to beseasean Ir- to govayavayan
Informal (tú) commands Use informal commands with people you know well – your age or younger. To form a positive tú command, use the él, ella Ud. form of the word: Hablas, drop the s, -- Tú habla. SPEAK! Comes, drop the s, tú come. Easy!
Irregulars Hacer- to make/do tú haz --haz la tarea Ir – to go tú ve -- ve al mercado. Poner- to put/place/set tú pon --pon la mesa. Salir – to leave/go out tú sal --sal de aquí! Ser- to be tú sé --sé simpático Tener- to have tú ten-- ten cuidado, ten prisa (be careful, hurry up) Venir – to come tú ven-- ven conmigo.
Negative informal commands To form the negative informal commands for most ar verbs, drop the o of the yo form and add es. For most er and ir verbs, drop the o from the yo form and add as. Put the word no in front. No hablo inglés. No hables en inglés. Como pizza de almuerzo. No comas pizza todos los días.
Irregular negative informal commands Dar- no des *(dont give) Ir – no vayas *(dont go) Ser – no seas *(dont be)
One last thing… Negative commands of verbs with infinitives ending in car, gar and zar have the following spelling changes: C-qu Tú tocas el piano bien. No lo toques ahora. G-gu Nunca llegas a tiempo. No llegues tarde. Z-c Siempre empiezas tarde. No empieces tarde.
Commands and directions These are some Ud. Examples… doblar- to turn Doble- turn seguir- to continue/keep going Siga- continue ir – to go Vaya – go parar – to stop – pare stop Subir- to go up/to get on (subway, bus)– suba – go up Bajar – to go down/ to get off (subway, etc.) – baje- go down/get off Seguir adelante/derecho – continue straight