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Is this population evolving? What do you think? Is this population evolving?
This population IS evolving Allele frequency changes from one generation to the next
Mechanisms of Evolution
Evolution is the change in allele frequency Remember…evolution occurs Over time In populations…NOT individuals On phenotypes
Two Main Sources of Genetic Variation 1) Mutations 2) Gene Shuffling
1) Mutations Caused by mistakes during replication Any change in a sequence of DNA. Caused by mistakes during replication
2) Gene Shuffling ~ Mixing of genes during the production of gametes in meiosis
How Does Variety Arise? Video 2) Gene Shuffling Recombination as homologous chromosomes move independently during meiosis Crossing over: the exchange of genetic material during prophase I How Does Variety Arise? Video
Gene Pool & Allelic Frequency Gene Pool: Entire collection of all the alleles in a population Allelic Frequency: The number of times an allele appears in the gene pool
Gene Pool & Allelic Frequency Gene Pool: 12 green alleles and 8 brown alleles Allelic Frequency of green: 12/20 Allelic Frequency of brown: 8/20
Evolution is the change in allele frequency Occurs in one of three ways: Gene Flow Genetic Drift Natural Selection
1) Gene Flow ~ The movement of alleles into or out of a population Can increase or decrease genetic variation
2. Genetic Drift Random change in allelic frequencies due to chance. Decreases genetic variation
Types of Genetic Drift Founder Effect ~ A small group of individuals colonize a new habitat
Types of Genetic Drift Bottleneck ~ a sharp reduction in the size of a population due to environmental events (flooding, earthquake, etc.)
3) Natural Selection Decreases genetic variation ~ Most common source of evolutionary change Decreases genetic variation
Main Mechanisms of Evolution Video