UNIT-I An Over View Of 8085 Architecture Of 8086 Microprocessor


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Presentation transcript:

UNIT-I An Over View Of 8085 Architecture Of 8086 Microprocessor Special Functions Of General Purpose Registers 8086 Flag Register Function Of 8086 Flags Addressing Modes Of 8086 Instruction Set Of 8086 Assembler Directives Procedures And Macros.

The salient features of 8085 μp are • It is an 8 bit microprocessor. • It is manufactured with N-MOS technology. • It has 16-bit address bus and hence can address up to 216 = 65536 bytes (64KB) memory locations through A0-A15. • The first 8 lines of address bus and 8 lines of data bus are multiplexed AD0 –AD7. • Data bus is a group of 8 lines D0 – D7. • It supports external interrupt request. • A 16 bit program counter (PC) • A 16 bit stack pointer (SP) • Six 8-bit general purpose register arranged in pairs: BC, DE, HL. • It requires a signal +5V power supply and operates at 3.2 MHZ single phase clock. • It is enclosed with 40 pins DIP (Dual in line package).

Fig 1.1 pin diagram of 8085

Fig 1.2 Functional Block Diagram of 8085

Fig 1.3 Format of 8085 Flag register Registers • Accumulator or A register is an 8-bit register used for arithmetic, logic, I/O and load/store operations. • Flag Register has five 1-bit flags. • Sign - set if the most significant bit of the result is set. • Zero - set if the result is zero. • Auxiliary carry - set if there was a carry out from bit 3 to bit 4 of the result. • Parity - set if the parity (the number of set bits in the result) is even. • Carry - set if there was a carry during addition, or borrow during subtraction/comparison/rotation. Fig 1.3 Format of 8085 Flag register

General Registers • 8-bit B and 8-bit C registers can be used as one 16-bit BC register pair. When used as a pair the C register contains low-order byte. Some instructions may use BC register as a data pointer. • 8-bit D and 8-bit E registers can be used as one 16-bit DE register pair. When used as a pair the E register contains low-order byte. Some instructions may use DE register as a data pointer. • 8-bit H and 8-bit L registers can be used as one 16-bit HL register pair. When used as a pair the L register contains low-order byte. HL register usually contains a data pointer used to reference memory addresses.

Fig 1.4 General purpose registers • Stack pointer is a 16 bit register. This register is always decremented/incremented by 2 during push and pop. • Program counter is a 16-bit register Fig 1.4 General purpose registers

An Introduction to 8086 8086 Features 16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit • 16-bit data bus • 20-bit address bus - 220 = 1,048,576 = 1 meg The address refers to a byte in memory. In the 8086, bytes at even addresses come in on the low half of the data bus (bits 0-7) and bytes at odd addresses come in on the upper half of the data bus (bits 8-15). The 8086 can read a 16-bit word at an even address in one operation and at an odd address in two operations. The least significant byte of a word on an 8086 family microprocessor is at the lower address.

8086 Architecture • The 8086 has two parts, the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and the Execution Unit (EU). • The BIU fetches instructions, reads and writes data, and computes the 20-bit address. • The EU decodes and executes the instructions using the 16-bit ALU.

• The BIU contains the following registers: IP - the Instruction Pointer CS - the Code Segment Register DS - the Data Segment Register SS - the Stack Segment Register ES - the Extra Segment Register The BIU fetches instructions using the CS and IP, written CS:IP, to construct the 20-bit address. Data is fetched using a segment register (usually the DS) and an effective address (EA) computed by the EU depending on the addressing mode.

Fig 1.5 Block Diagram of 8086

8086 Architecture The EU contains the following 16-bit registers: AX - the Accumulator BX - the Base Register CX - the Count Register DX - the Data Register SP - the Stack Pointer BP - the Base Pointer SI - the Source Index Register DI - the Destination Register These are referred to as general-purpose registers, although, as seen by their names, they often have a special-purpose use for some instructions. Default to stack segment

The AX, BX, CX, and DX registers can be considered as two 8-bit registers, a High byte and a Low byte. This allows byte operations and compatibility with the previous generation of 8-bit processors, the 8080 and 8085. The 8-bit registers are: AX --> AH,AL BX --> BH,BL CX --> CH,CL DX --> DH,DL

8086 Architecture The EU also contains the Flag Register which is a collection of condition bits and control bits. The condition bits are set or cleared by the execution of an instruction. The control bits are set by instructions to control some operation of the CPU. Fig 1.6 Flag Register of 8086

Fig 1.7 16-bit Registers of 8086 BIU registers (20 bit adder) ES CS SS DS IP AH BH CH DH AL BL CL DL SP BP SI DI FLAGS AX BX CX DX Extra Segment Code Segment Stack Segment Data Segment Instruction Pointer Accumulator Base Register Count Register Data Register Stack Pointer Base Pointer Source Index Register Destination Index Register BIU registers (20 bit adder) EU registers 16 bit arithmetic Fig 1.7 16-bit Registers of 8086

Fig 1.8 Memory Segmentation of 8086 Segment Starting address is segment register value shifted 4 place to the left. Address 000000H MEMORY EXTRA 64K Data Segment 64K Code CODE STACK DATA  CS:0 Segment Registers Segments are < or = 64K, can overlap, start at an address that ends in 0H. 0FFFFFH Fig 1.8 Memory Segmentation of 8086

Fig 1.9 8086 Memory Terminology Memory Segments Segment Registers 000000H 001000H DATA DS: 0100H 10FFFH 0B2000H SS: 0B200H STACK 0C1FFFH 0CF00H ES: 0CF000H EXTRA 0DEFFFH 0FF00H CS: 0FF000H CODE 0FFFFFH Fig 1.9 8086 Memory Terminology Segments are < or = 64K and can overlap. Note that the Code segment is < 64K since 0FFFFFH is the highest address.

Fig 1.10 Physical address calculation in Code Segment Memory Segment Register Offset Physical or Absolute Address + CS: IP 0400H 0056H 4000H 4056H 0400 0056 04056H CS:IP = 400:56 Logical Address 0FFFFFH Left-shift 4 bits Fig 1.10 Physical address calculation in Code Segment The offset is the distance in bytes from the start of the segment. The offset is given by the IP for the Code Segment. Instructions are always fetched with using the CS register. The physical address is also called the absolute address

Fig 1.11 Physical address calculation in Data Segment Memory Segment Register Offset Physical Address + DS: EA 05C0 0050 05C00H 05C50H DS:EA 000000H 0FFFFFH Fig 1.11 Physical address calculation in Data Segment Data is usually fetched with respect to the DS register. The effective address (EA) is the offset. The EA depends on the addressing mode.

Addressing Modes Assembler directive, DW = Define Word DATA1 DW 25H DATA1 is defined as a word (16-bit) variable, i.e., a memory location that contains 25H. DATA2 EQU 20H DATA2 is not a memory location but a constant. Direct Addressing MOV AX,DATA1 [DATA1]  AX, the contents of DATA1 is put into AX. The CPU goes to memory to get data. 25H is put in AX.

Immediate Addressing MOV AX,DATA2 DATA2 = 20H  AX, 20H is put in AX. Does not go to memory to get data. Data is in the instruction. MOV AX, OFFSET DATA1 The offset of SAM is just a number. The assembler knows which mode to encode by the way the operands SAM and FRED are defined.

Register Addressing: MOV AX,BX AX Register Indirect Addressing: MOV AX,[BX] AX DS:BX Can use BX or BP -- Based Addressing (BP defaults to SS) or DI or SI -- Indexed Addressing The offset or effective address (EA) is in the base or index register. Register Indirect with Displacement: MOV AX,SAM[BX] AX DS:BX + Offset SAM Indexed with displacement: Based with displacement: Based-Indexed Addressing: MOV AX,[BX][SI] EA = BX + SI Based-Indexed w/Displacement: MOV AX,SAM[BX][DI] EA = BX + DI + offset SAM AX DS:EA where EA = BX + offset SAM

Addressing modes for Branch Related Instructions NEAR JUMPS and CALLS Intrasegment (CS does not change) Direct -- IP relative displacement new IP = old IP + displacement Allows program relocation with no change in code. Indirect -- new IP is in memory or a register. All addressing modes apply. FAR Intersegment Direct -- new CS and IP are encoded in (CS changes) the instruction. Indirect -- new CS and IP are in memory. All addressing modes apply except immediate and register.

Assembly Language The Assembler is a program that reads the source program as data and translates the instructions into binary machine code. The assembler outputs a listing of the addresses and machine code along with the source code and a binary file (object file) with the machine code. Most assemblers scan the source code twice -- called a two-pass assembler. The first pass determines the locations of the labels or identifiers. The second pass generates the code. To locate the labels, the assembler has a location counter. This counts the number of bytes required by each instruction.

When the program starts a segment, the location counter is zero. If a previous segment is re-entered, the counter resumes the count. The location counter can be set to any offset by the ORG directive. In the first pass, the assembler uses the location counter to construct a symbol table which contains the offsets or values of the various labels. The offsets are used in the second pass to generate operand addresses.

Instruction Set adc Add with carry flag add Add two numbers and Bitwise logical AND call Call procedure or function cbw Convert byte to word (signed) cli Clear interrupt flag (disable interrupts) cwd Convert word to doubleword (signed) cmp Compare two operands dec Decrement by 1

Instruction Set (Contd.) div Unsigned divide idiv Signed divide iret Interrupt return jmp Unconditional jump lea Load effective address offset mov Move data mul Unsigned multiply neg Two's complement negate

Instruction Set (Contd.) nop No operation not One's complement negate or Bitwise logical OR out Output (write) to port pop Pop word from stack popf Pop flags from stack push Push word onto stack pushf Push flags onto stack ret Return from procedure or function sal Bitwise arithmetic left shift (same as shl)

Instruction Set (Contd.) sar Bitwise arithmetic right shift (signed) sbb Subtract with borrow shl Bitwise left shift (same as sal) shr Bitwise right shift (unsigned) sti Set interrupt flag (enable interrupts) sub Subtract two numbers test Bitwise logical compare xor Bitwise logical XOR j?? Jump if ?? condition met

Conditional Jumps Name/Alt Meaning Flag setting JE/JZ Jump equal/zero ZF = 1 JNE/JNZ Jump not equal/zero ZF = 0 JL/JNGE Jump less than/not greater than or = (SF xor OF) = 1 JNL/JGE Jump not less than/greater than or = (SF xor OF) = 0 JG/JNLE Jump greater than/not less than or = ((SF xor OF) or ZF) =0 JNG/JLE Jump not greater than/ less than or = ((SF xor OF) or ZF) = 1 JB/JNAE Jump below/not above or equal CF = 1 JNB/JAE Jump not below/above or equal CF = 0 JA/JNBE Jump above/not below or equal (CF or ZF) = 0 JNA/JBE Jump not above/ below or equal (CF or ZF) = 1 JS Jump on sign (jump negative) SF = 1 JNS Jump on not sign (jump positive) SF = 0 JO Jump on overflow OF = 1 JNO Jump on no overflow OF = 0 JP/JPE Jump parity/parity even PF = 1 JNP/JPO Jump no parity/parity odd PF = 0 JCXZ Jump on CX = 0 ---

Assembler Directives ASSUME Tells the assembler what segments to use. SEGMENT Defines the segment name and specifies that the code that follows is in that segment. ENDS End of segment ORG Originate or Origin: sets the location counter. END End of source code. NAME Give source module a name. DW Define word DB Define byte. EQU Equate or equivalence LABEL Assign current location count to a symbol. $ Current location count DD Define Double Word

Procedures Procedure is a group of instructions used at several different points in a program. Procedure name PROC arguments ---- RET ENDP CALL instruction is used to call a particular procedure RET instruction at the end of the procedure returns execution to the next instruction CALL instruction executes, it automatically stores the return address in the stack memory.

Passing parameters to procedure Passing parameters in Registers DATA SEGMENT BCD_INPUT DB 20H BIN_VALUE DB ? DATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT --- MOV AL, BCD_INPUT ;Moving input into AL reg. CALL BCD_BIN ; call procedure BCD_BIN NOP ;Procedure to convert BCD to Binary no. BCD_BIN PROC NEAR ---- RET BCD_BIN ENDP CODE ENDS END

Passing parameters in General Memory DATA SEGMENT BCD_INPUT DB 20H BIN_VALUE DB ? DATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT --- CALL BCD_BIN ; call procedure BCD_BIN NOP ;Procedure to convert BCD to Binary no. BCD_BIN PROC NEAR ---- MOV AL, BCD_INPUT ;Load input from memory ------ MOV [DI], AL ; Store result in memory RET BCD_BIN ENDP CODE ENDS END

3. Passing Parameters using Pointers DATA SEGMENT BCD_INPUT DB 20H BIN_VALUE DB ? DATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT --- MOV SI, OFFSET BCD_INPUT ;create pointer to BCD input MOV DI, OFFSET BIN_VALUE ; Store result CALL BCD_BIN ; call procedure BCD_BIN NOP

;Procedure to convert BCD to Binary no ;Procedure to convert BCD to Binary no. BCD_BIN PROC NEAR ---- MOV AL, [SI] ;Load input from memory ------ MOV [DI], AL ; Store result in memory RET BCD_BIN ENDP CODE ENDS END

MACROS A macro is group if instructions we bracket and give a name to at the start of our program. Each time we “call” the macro in our program, the assembler will insert the defined group of instructions in place of the “call”. Every time a macro name in the program, replace it with the group of instructions defined as that macro at the start of the program. This process is known as expanding the macro or macro expansion. Using a macro avoids the overhead time involved in calling, returning from a procedure. A disadvantage of generating in-line code each time a macro is called is that this will make the program take up more memory than using a procedure.

Defining a MACRO: Macro_name MACRO dummy parameters ------ ----- ENDM Ex: Move_ASCII MACRO Number,Source,Destination Mov CX,Number ; No. of characters to be moved in CX LEA SI,Source ; Point SI at ASCII source LEA DI,Destination ; Point DI at ASCII destination CLD ; Autoincrement pointer after move REP MOVSB ; Copy ASCII string to new location A macro may be defined in another macro or a macro may be called from inside a macro. This type of macro is called a nested macro.