Organizational Chart: Argument Claim: Counterclaim: Evidence 1: “ ” Citation: (Text ?, Line ?). Evidence: “ ” Discuss what the quote means… Explain how this detail supports your claim. Explain how this detail supports the counterclaim. Repeat the same three steps above, using a new piece of evidence [and, possibly, a new text]. This will be Evidence 2: “…” (Text ?, Line ?) Repeat the same three steps above, using a new piece of evidence [and, possibly, a new text]. This will be Evidence 2: “…” (Text ?, Line ?) Repeat the same three steps above, using a new piece of evidence [and, possibly, a new text]. This will be Evidence 3: “…” (Text ?, Line ?).
Organizational Chart: Argument Essay Claim: Counterclaim: Evidence 1: “ ” Citation: (Text ?, Line ?). Evidence: “ ”Citation: (Text ?, Line ?). Discuss what the quote means… Explain how this detail supports your claim. Explain how this detail supports the counterclaim. Evidence 2: “ The quote means… Organizational Chart: Argument Essay
Regents Part 2: The Argument Essay: You MUST use at least THREE texts. Paragraph 1: INTRODUCTION: Write a GRABBER sentence. State your THESIS/CLAIM/ARGUMENT related to the topic Present the COUNTER-ARGUMENT (opposing position). Write a TRANSITIONAL SENTENCE to move you to paragraph 2.
You can have more than 1 piece of evidence in this paragraph. PARAGRAPH 2 [BODY 1] Introduce evidence #1 (Text #, line #s) IN SUPPORT OF your thesis/claim/argument Write YOUR analysis of this evidence. (This shows... This demonstrates... This establishes...) Write a TRANSITIONAL SENTENCE to move you to paragraph 3. You can have more than 1 piece of evidence in this paragraph.
You can have more than 1 piece of evidence in this paragraph. PARAGRAPH 3 [BODY 2] Introduce the evidence for the opposing claim. (Text #, line #s) Analysis: Explain WHY it is not as strong as YOUR claim. (This point is wrong because... This point is not valid because...) Write a TRANSITIONAL sentence to move you to 4. You can have more than 1 piece of evidence in this paragraph.
You can have more than 1 piece of evidence in this paragraph. PARAGRAPH 4 [BODY 3] Introduce evidence #2 (Text #, line #s) for your thesis from ANOTHER (3rd) document. Write YOUR analysis of this evidence. (This shows... This demonstrates... This establishes...) Write a TRANSITIONAL SENTENCE to move you to paragraph 5. You can have more than 1 piece of evidence in this paragraph.
PARAGRAPH 5 [CONCLUSION] RESTATE your thesis claim IN DIFFERENT WORDS. REVIEW your point against the argument and FINISH with the points FOR your argument. Write a THOUGHT-PROVOKING final sentence: THE CLINCHER.
ALTERNATIVE ORGANIZATION Depending on your topic and the information from the texts, you could structure Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 in the following manner: After the intro paragraph, Introduce the COUNTER evidence #1 (Text #, line #s) Write YOUR analysis of this evidence. (This shows... This demonstrates... This establishes...) State evidence #1for your ARGUMENT (Text #, line #s) Write a TRANSITIONAL SENTENCE to move you to the next paragraph. In other words, each body paragraph will have a counterargument and the argument that refutes it in the same paragraph.