Ag.02_03 Actions from the previous meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Ag.02_03 Actions from the previous meeting Doc. A6465/16/12 rev Ag.02_03 Actions from the previous meeting Working Group on Articles A64 and A65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 28+29 March 2017

Content of this presentation Action points from minutes of the meeting of the combined A64&65 Working Group held on 21st & 22nd March 2016 in Luxembourg Draft minutes were circulated 31.3.2016 for comment by 15.4.2016 There were 3 comments forthcoming, and these were integrated.

Overview of action point completion Category No Detail 1 Action points completed (with no agenda point at current meeting) 6 1 – circulate minutes 2, 3, 4, 32 – administration 31 – follow workplan 2 Action points completed (with information point at current meeting) 20 5, 6, 22 – disseminate tables/reports 7 – collaboration 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 – FBS/SHS progress 13 – rent districts 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 25, 26 – methodology 19, 27, 30 – finalise/publish report 3 Action points completed (with decision point at current meeting) 16 – OOA 24 – A65 assessments 28 – benchmarking 4 Action points incomplete 20, 21 – MS suggestions to improve reports 29 – MS supply data (expatriate pay)

Thank you for your attention!

STATUS 1 Ag.22.2 ESTAT to circulate draft minutes of meeting. DONE. Draft sent by email 31.3.2016 with deadline 15.4.2016 Final (minor changes): this meeting 2 Ag.22.2 ESTAT to make powerpoint presentations available from meeting on restricted CIRCABC site. DONE. Onto CIRCABC (restricted) 30.3.2016 3 Ag.22.2 ESTAT to make room documents available on restricted CIRCABC site 4 Ag.22.2 ESTAT to make authorised documents and powerpoints available to general public. DONE. Onto CIRCABC (public) 4.4.2016 5 Ag.6.1 ESTAT to consider publishing PPP as well as CC in Free Data Tables DONE. See 2017 6 Ag.6.2 Eurostat to consider publishing CC as well as PPP at level of the agreed analytical categories DONE. See 2017 7 Ag.7 ESTAT, ISRP and ICSC to seek maximum possible convergence on A64 issues during window of opportunity 2018-20 and to explore ways to collaborate further on A65 issues DONE. See 2017

STATUS 8 Ag.8.2 ESTAT, ISRP and ICSC to use harmonised FBS questionnaire to launch Autumn 2016 surveys. To help encourage participation, weekly reminders will be issued DONE. = 2017 9 Ag.8.3 ESTAT, ISRP and ICSC to continue collaboration on common FBS data processing tool 10 Ag.8.3 Insofar as possible, ESTAT to launch, process and finalise consumption structures for active staff in BG and HR and integrate them for July 2016 CC DONE. Note: insufficient replies. 11 Ag.8.3 ESTAT to finalise consumption structures for pensioners in all EU Member States (individual structures where sample size permits, otherwise regional weights methodology) and integrate them for July 2016 CC DONE. = 2017 (PEN) 12 Ag.8.3 ESTAT to process and finalise dwelling preference weights for active staff in all Intra-EU duty stations (including pool weights where relevant) and integrate the results for July 2016 CC DONE. = 2017 8.3 (SHS) 13 Ag.8.4 Member States and ISRP to review selection of residential districts in line with clarified guidance as part of 2016 exercise DONE. = 2017 8.4

STATUS 14 Ag.9 Eurostat to continue calculation of separate CC for non-capital city duty stations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Indonesia and USA in accordance with 2% rule. However, as Banja Luka and Banda Aceh are not covered by existing data sources, and current CC are not being applied, no updating surveys will be considered until CC for capital city exceeds 90, and values will be estimated using current cost-of-living ration. No CC to be produced for new EEAS delegation in Iraq-Erbil unless a Delegated Act is implemented. DONE. = 2017 (reports). Commission/EEAS discussions January 2017 15 Ag.10.1 ESTAT to publish the updated Intra-EU CC methodology manual on CIRCABC, in Free Data Tables metadata, and on Dedicated Section (including the changes agreed at the current meeting) DONE. Published 7.6.2016 = 2017 16 Ag.10.1 ESTAT to explore possibility to implement an "out-of-area" component in the calculation of CC, to better reflect purchasing power of staff (eg. spending commitments in base city; absence of equivalent goods and services in duty station) DONE. = 2017

STATUS 17 Ag.10.2 ESTAT to prepare by 30.4.2016 the draft text amending the Extra-EU CC methodology manual reflecting the agreement to expand classification from 57BH to 80BH and integrate calculation of PPP for Education and Healthcare. This will be circulated for adoption by written procedure: Member State delegates are invited to send comments by 15.5.2016. DONE. Published 8.8.2016 = 2017 18 Ag.10.2 ESTAT to updated existing calculation software to implement the agreed changes as soon as possible DONE. For intermediate report 2017 19 Ag.11 ESTAT to finalise JBLI, Intra-EU CC and Extra-EU CC calculations and integrate them in Intermediate Report. The report should be sent by 30.4.2016 DONE. Published 26.4.2016 = 2017 20 Ag.13 Member State delegates to propose possible additional/alternative Control indicators for inclusion in Annual Report NO PROPOSALS RECEIVED. 21 Ag.14.2 Member State delegates to propose possible additional comparative tables for inclusion in Part one of the "Annex 2" report

STATUS 22 Ag.15 ESTAT and DGHR to explore the idea of publishing a "flash estimate" in mid-October, before publication of the definitive annual report DONE. New workflow: exceptional advance access under embargo (BUDG, HR). Annual report 19.10.2016 = 2017 23 Ag.16 ESTAT to contact informatics department regarding any plans to replace eDAMIS as the approved tool for data transmission by national statistical authorities to ESTAT DONE. 22.4.2016 (= no change) 24 Ag.16 ESTAT to begin drafting country assessment reports with a view to publication for all EU28 Member States by 31.12.2016 DELAYED. = 2017 25 Ag.17 ESTAT to publish the updated A65 methodology manual on CIRCABC, in Free Data Tables metadata, and on Dedicated Section DONE. Published 16.6.2016 = 2017 26 Ag.17 ESTAT to ensure that the clarified "snapshots" procedure is implemented for all Member States DONE. SRQ launch letter 21.6

STATUS 27 Ag.18 ESTAT to finalise country specific indicators and global specific indicator and integrate them in Intermediate Report. The report should be sent by 30.4.2016 DONE. Published 26.4.2016 = 2017 28 Ag.19 ESTAT and DG HR to explore a possible timetable for publication of the results from the benchmarking study once it is finalised DONE. = 2017 29 Member State delegates who have not already replied to ESTAT to provide information about national practices for the adjustment of remuneration of expatriate officials, by disseminating the questionnaire to relevant government departments and returning the compiled responses to ESTAT NO ANSWERS RECEIVED. 30 Ag.21 DG HR to prepare formal communication on Mission Expenses DONE. Delegated Act 9.9.2016 = 2017 31 Ag.22.1 ESTAT and MS to follow indicative A64 and A65 work calendars insofar as possible DONE. 32 Ag.22.3 ESTAT to finalise the date and venue of the next meeting