Portfolio Development Teaching David Acker, Associate Dean Extension Jay Harmon, Associate Dean Research Ruth MacDonald, Senior Associate Dean April 9, 2018
PowerPoints for this workshop will be available on our CALS web site http://www.cals.iastate.edu/faculty-staff/promotiontenure
Information For Faculty and Staff Promotion & Tenure PowerPoints for this will be available on our CALS web site. Information For Faculty and Staff Promotion & Tenure CLICK on “Faculty and Staff” and then “Promotion and Tenure”
CALS Template for Tab 2: P&T Portfolio Summary See handout
My Focus Presenting your achievements as an effective and scholarly teacher. We’ll focus on Portfolio Summary Template Item #2 (Page 2) Performance in Position Responsibility Caveats: If teaching/advising are not in your PRS, take a brief nap. Achievements in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) belong in Template Item # 1 Performance in Scholarship
Tab 1 PRS (all of them) Factual Information Summary P&T Vita: a list of your achievements with some embellishments
Tab 2 Portfolio Summary: is an explanation places accomplishments in context interprets and analyzes these accomplishments provides evidence of their importance, impact describes your role in collaborative activities Note: Repetition of information contained in the CV is unnecessary
Faculty Portfolio Limit = 25 pages
The Portfolio Summary must communicate Write it so that someone outside of your field can understand it At the college & university levels there won’t be anyone in your field
Take a look at… CALS Tab 2 Template Page 2 Item # 2.1
9 …key elements of the teaching and learning portion of your Portfolio Summary
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #1 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy A narrative section of about 1 – 2 pages See examples of dossiers in the provost’s office Ask to see the teaching philosophy statement of some of our highly decorated teaching faculty (Morrill Professors, national award winners) and then develop your own Comment on teaching goals, innovations, methods
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #2 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities including % effort from your PRS Narrative description plus a table
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning The Format for the Table on Teaching Responsibilities is provided in template CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Semester & Year Spring 2016 Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2018 Course Number Title Enrollment Percent of course for which responsible
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #3 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities Assessment of teaching effectiveness Summary of student evaluations of teaching (SET)
Table: Student Evaluation of Teaching Sem. & Yr. Course # Total Enrollment % responding Overall rating of instructor Dept mean for comparable courses Overall rating of course Fall 2015 ABC 218 70 94% responded 4.5 4.0 4.3 Scale: 1 = Very Poor, 5 = Very Good NOTE: 5 point scale is required by the provost for all reporting on Student Evaluation of Teaching
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities Assessment of teaching effectiveness Summary of student evaluations of teaching (SET) Summarize procedures for and results of peer evaluation of teaching (actual letters can go in Tab 3) Evidence of learning gains Describe your use of clear outcome statements in your syllabi, your assessment scheme for these outcomes, and what your assessments tell you about learning gains and how you can improve your teaching
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #4 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities Assessment of teaching effectiveness Summary of student evaluations of teaching (SET) Summarize procedures for and results of peer evaluation of teaching (actual letters can go in Tab 3) Graduate student advising (here or under Research or Extension, wherever it fits best) If the details are listed in Tab 1 then you may summarize your impact in graduate student advising here. Describe the general departmental practice in grad advising MS and PhD (directions in template) In progress: names, dates, your role Completed: names, dates, placement
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #5 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities Assessment of teaching effectiveness Graduate student advising Impact as a scholarly teacher (some of the following): Self-assessment of sponsored funding for teaching and learning Self-assessment of curriculum development and teaching materials development
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #6 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities Assessment of teaching effectiveness Graduate student advising Impact as a scholarly teacher Undergraduate advising Describe the impact of your advising Quantitative Qualitative
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #7 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities Assessment of teaching effectiveness Graduate student advising Impact as a scholarly teacher Undergraduate advising Evaluation of mentoring High school students Undergrads (REUs, GWC, SWP, Honors, etc.) Graduate students Post-docs
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #8 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities Assessment of teaching effectiveness Graduate student advising Impact as a scholarly teacher Undergraduate advising Evaluation of mentoring Honors and awards: T/L, advising, service to students
CALS Template: Teaching and Learning #9 CALS Template: Teaching and Learning Teaching philosophy Teaching responsibilities Assessment of teaching effectiveness Graduate student advising Impact as a scholarly teacher Undergraduate advising Evaluation of mentoring Honors and awards: T/L, advising, service to students Teaching improvement plans and future teaching plans
Not everyone is above average… Need a teaching improvement plan? Attend CELT workshops Seek peer evaluation and coaching Solicit mid-course feedback from students Get a teaching partner/mentor Describe in your portfolio how you have used the feedback and coaching to improve your teaching.
TMI In the Portfolio Summary do not include: Course syllabi PowerPoint presentations Letters from students Reprints Copies of your diplomas