Siena Heights University Starts Football May of 2010 Siena Heights University officially starts a football program. A team of consultants meet with Siena Heights administrators and goals were put in place to start play. Goal of September 2011 for first game in the history of the school.
Initial Staff By November 2010, 4 full-time coaches and 2 graduate assistants are hired. Goal is to recruit 100 players to start play September 2011. Staff exceeds goal and recruits 145 players. Big success/Big problem…….
Larger Roster Impacts Housing Food Equipment Training staff Budget COACHES!
Siena Heights seeks a consultant in sports specific staffing…….
“Putting Coaches in a position to make plays.” Kohn consulting “Putting Coaches in a position to make plays.”
Kohn Consulting Mission statement Business card To bring great coaches, great teams and great organizations together.
Football Coaching Industry VERY HIGH TURNOVER 62-120 D1 coaches are in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd season. WIDE AGE DEMOGRAPHIC 22-75 years old. Average age of 47.
Staffing Outlook Current staffing Clients staffing need Roster 140 players 4 full-time coaches 2 graduate assistants Roster 140 players 4 full-time coaches 7 part-time coaches 2 graduate assistants
Client Wants and Needs Coach for each position on the field. (11) Coaches need 3+ years experience. Need a time commitment: 6 days per week, 5 hours per day, September-1st week November. Last 3 weeks of August. Flexible on salary. Continuity of staff.
Discovery Model Presenting the problem: Football program is in need of qualified part-time coaches to support a large roster. Redefinition of the problem: Football program is in need of qualified part-time coaches to support a large roster and has limited resources to get the job done.
Discovery Model Clear and Simple Picture of what is Happening: The football program at Siena Heights is in need of qualified coaches, who are not driven by money or getting the next big contract.
Budget Siena Heights University gave the football program $15,000.00 to hire part-time coaches. Through fund raising the budget increased to $20,000.00 High school stipends= $1,000.00-$8,000.00 7 total part-time coaches with an average of $2,800.00.
GREAT COACHES AT A LOW COST Where do we find such individuals?
Target Markets RETIRED COACHES RECENT GRADUATES Great Experience/Knowledge Do not have a full time job/Time commitment Low cost Not looking to advance career Resume building opportunity Willingness to do whatever necessary Technology
“Blitz” Technique 4 full time coaches make contacts to all high schools in recruiting areas (phone calls/emails) Head Coach contacts other college programs in state by phone. Generate Leads!
Results from “Blitz” Retired coaches Recent graduates 12 very qualified candidates were produced. 3 very qualified candidates were produced.
Evaluation Process Character of Individual: Does the character of the Individual match that of the Mission of Siena Heights University and the football program? Work Ethic/Time commitment: Os the coach willing to put in the time commitment necessary to do his job as demanded by the head coach?
Evaluation Process Coaching Experience/Expertise: What experience does the coach have? What is his area of expertise? Salary: What type of compensation does the coach need?
Outcome of Evaluations Retired coaches Recent graduates 7 offers were made to 7-12 candidates. 7 offers were immediately accepted 100% success on target market. 3 candidates joined the staff as volunteer assistants. Help out wherever is necessary. 3 bonus assistants.
Follow up Consultant need to know if the plan was successful Maintaining continuity of staff was a major ‘need’ of client. Follow up meeting scheduled for December 2011.
Feedback from client Very successful first season Part-time coaches were very committed Hitting the target market impacted the success of the program. Continue to meet every 6 months.