Men Who Care Enough To Share Lesson Four Man UP BIBLE SERIES Men Who Care Enough To Share Lesson Four
The Real World We all like to think that we all know better “now a days.” We are so much more advanced than past generations. Look around at all the wonderful new inventions that we have to live with. Certainly we are more advanced than those in the 1st century! Yet we are lacking in so many areas! One of those is the ability we have to care and share with the world around us. The Song goes; “Everyday they pass us by, I can see it in their eyes. People Need The Lord!” We know it is true. We know it is a reality but we have busy lives to live and kids to raise and mortgages to pay! Really! At the end of it all none of that will matter! Stop for just a moment and see them as God does. Show them how much God loves them by giving them something to eat or listening to their story. The New Testament Church was far from perfect but they were on the right track and God added to their numbers daily. It is time for every soldier to be an example of Christ and to witness that in how they live! Lets look at Acts 2 and see what qualities the 1st Century church lived out in their community and the positive impact they had for Christ.
The Real Word Acts 2:42-47New International Version (NIV) The Fellowship of the Believers 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Real Talk In Acts 2 we see numbers were added daily to the Church. Is that happening at your Corps? Why or Why Not? Do you play a part in the success? Why or Why not? Are you called to be a witness? Are you a witness?
Real Steps Acts 2 Shows us what we are to be: 1. A Worshipping Church – Sincere Open and Transparent Faith is what the world is looking for. 2. An Evangelizing Church – Added Daily to their Numbers God’s Army is one that grows! 3. A Learning Church – Learn God’s Word God’s Word holds the key to Christian Faith. 4. A Loving Church – Live God’s Word in Actions A Salvation Army without converts is just an Army.
Time To Close As we close this specific lesson and this series on evangelism I am hearing those immortal words of our former president, John Kennedy. “Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country!” Take an apply this to your walk of faith. Stop seeking what everyone at the Corps can do for you and step out to do for others! Telling others about the love od God is not everyone else’s job. It’s yours! Do Something Great for God in the next month. Pick someone you know. Tell them about the difference God has made in your life. Be there for them! Live out you faith in a real and transparent way. If you will do this God will begin to add to your numbers at your local Corps. People will begin to feel loved and share that wonderful Love of God with all those around them. It will grow until your Corps building will no longer be made of bricks and mortar but will be your community! That is when you know that God is blessing!