Forced Marriage Workshop Early and forced marriage in Australia is an issue of emerging concern affecting children, young people and adults living in Australia. Australian Red Cross is partnering with ACRATH and Dr Carol Kaplanian to deliver a workshop on Forced Marriage. The workshop will provide an insight into some of the key the issues surrounding forced marriage, an overview of current laws and referral pathways, and the opportunity to discuss and how to best support those in or at risk of forced marriage. This workshop is aimed at practitioners and other parties wanting to learn more about forced marriage. It will equip participants with the skills and information required to be able to recognize the indicators of forced marriage, understand Australia’s response to early and forced marriage, and to respond to disclosures by making appropriate referrals to key agencies. Key Speakers: Liz Payne- ACRATH Community Development worker Carol Kaplanian- WA Department of Health Date: Friday 5th May Time: 9.30 am -12.00 pm Venue: James Nestor Hall, Catholic Education Office, 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville. For more information and to register call Vanesa Ghigi Tel +61 8 92258863 RSVP by Wednesday 26th April