Early Civilizations in South America Ch. 11 Sec. 3
I. Inca Brought to its height in 1440 they Pachacuti extended Ecuador, Central Chile, edge of the Amazon Political Structures: -all men serve in the army -conquered educated in Quecha language -nobles of high rank governed the conquered lands
I. Inca cont’d -land base: 4 quarters (ruled by governors) Provinces (ruled by governor)10000 residents Forced labor, building projects, roads (24,800 mi), rest houses, suspension bridges Social Structure: -marriage w/in social groups -women: care for children, weave/priestess -men: warriors
I. Inca cont’d Most lived by farming (corn, potatoes) Building & Culture: -architectural geniuses (machu piccha) -no writing system, kept records using knotted strings called quipu -court theater,poetry Conquest: -European Invasion -Disease -Civil War