11.2 The human Respiratory System
Upper Respiratory Tract Nostrils Nasal passages and turbinate bones: air is warmed (capillaries), cleaned (cilia), moistened (mucus) Pharynx (throat), contains cilia and mucous, tonsils and adenoids Epiglottis (flap controlling entry of food or air to the glottis/trachea and esophagus) Larynx (voice-box): vocal chords vibrate Trachea (windpipe): cartilage rings that splits into 2 branches leading to lungs -look at PAL slides 1, 7 and 8 in anatomical view in respiratory -look at PAL in cadaver form slides 1, 3/5, 6
Lower Respiratory Tract Lungs: the left lung has 2 lobes, the right lobe has 3 lobes, each lung is surrounded by pleural membrane and lubricating liquid Bronchi: leads to each lung Bronchioles: microscopic tubes Alveoli: tiny, microscopic sacs surrounded by fine cappillaries, about 500 million in each lung, only 1 cell thick. The function is to exchange gases -look at PAL slides 10 and 11 in anatomical view for respiratory -look at PAL cadaver slides 7 (MUST!! LUNGS), 8, 12 and 13 for lungs, bronchi and trachea ….for bronchioles, go to histology respiratory slide 6/7
Gas Exchange O2 and CO2 get exchanged between capillaries and alveoli in the lungs, and between capillaries and cells in the rest of the body Gases diffuse by moving from a high concentration to a low concentration O2 is transported by hemoglobin in RBC’s
Homework Read 11.2, do page 452 # 13-15, 18 Pg. 454, # 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11-13