EDUCATIONAL NETWORKS Vision and Reality Vladimir Batagelj, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ljubljana, Slovenia Alenka @ibert, Primary school of Cvetko Golar, Škofja Loka, Slovenia Vladislav Rajkovi~, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj, and Jo`ef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Borut ^ampelj, National Education Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
CONTENTS critical comparison of some existing educational networks by their contents and services some guidelines for educational network developers redesign of Slovenian Educational Network - SIO/SEN 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
EDUCATIONAL NETWORKS The first educational services on the Internet were established around 1989: protocols such as FTP, Gopher and Veronica turning point in 1993: HTTP protocol and browsers (Mosaic and later Netscape...) 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Few educational networks 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
what? to whom? WHAT IS AN EDUCATIONAL NETWORK? why ? organization of educational web sites in a useful system teachers, students, parents ... why ? to find useful information, to publish their experiences and materials, to collaborate with partners in educational projects, to communicate with colleagues (exchange of experiences, ON-LINE communication…), to support open and flexible learning. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
SERVICES AND CONTENTS OF EDUCATIONAL NETWORKS About - the basic information 7 Links 8 Distribution and exchange of resources 9 ON - LINE communications 10 Info - frequently required information 11 Free time activities 12 English 13 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
About introductory and basic information about the educational network - EN, goals and concept of EN, instructions and hintes for its efficient use. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Links types link forms to institutions to contents indexes catalogues 9 to institutions to contents (subject pages and materials) link forms indexes catalogues search engines 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
types servers of institutions related to education: ministry, museums, archives, art galleries, libraries…, news, media services, publishers, institutions supporting informatization of schools: tehnical support, manuals and instructions. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Websites of individual schools basis of EN, common elements: adresses, staff, school council, school calendar and time table, contact hours, curricula, health care, safety regulations and free-time activities, specific offer. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Distribution and exchange of resources classification by users 12 by subject: math, arts…. accessibility commercial/demo/free mode: text, sound, picture, video... An easy access to needed resources should be provided! 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
exchange their experiences, opinions and educational materials, Teachers: cooperate, exchange their experiences, opinions and educational materials, new challenges of professional development. Users Students: Internet is a rich source useful information for projects or short lecture notes, communications with friends, plenty of entertainment. Parents: general information about school and its activities, direct communication with teachers, and advisory services, exchange opinions about current problems and dilemas with other parents. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
ON - LINE communications Types: e-mail, mailing-lists, bulletin boards, conferences (notes, chat, video), hypertext (pasive, active and interactive). International projects: KIDLINK, I*EARN, ESP, EUN projects; Socrates... NetD@ys. New challenges in open and distance learning! 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Info - information about activities information about events: competitions, contests, performances… instructions, manuals, guidelines: computerization of school, Intranet… different statistics: resume the state and development of EN. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Make an EN more attractive for kids and support learning by playing. Free time activities Make an EN more attractive for kids and support learning by playing. Forms: lumber room, games, web news papers, competitions, entertainment. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
English For nonenglish based networks it is important to have an english window into a network. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES Network administration18 Animation activities 19 User interface 20 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Network administration technical support, permanent development of concept and strategy, coordination with users and supporters, permanent monitoring and evaluation of EN. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
There is no ideal organization form!! local environment and cultural characteristics goals of EN The structure should be flexible to allow easy growth in different directions. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Animation activities Attractiveness of EN can be achived by providing useful information and different activities such as: quizzes, competitions, events, contests, projects, line newspapers, on- line meetings, ... 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
sufficient quantity and quality and extent of information, User interface sufficient quantity and quality and extent of information, quick and easy access to these, interactivity and openness to users contributions, taking care about limitations of available browsers and diversity of users. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Language and writting problem of nonenglish ENs, the right solution for the alphabet problem is Unicode combined with the OpenType fonts and the FACE attribute in the HTML tag FONT, the language problem is more difficult. 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
REDESIGN OF SIO Slovenian Educational Network Project Ro: 1994, to rise the level of computer supported informatization in elementary and secondary schools Development of SIO: support of project Ro, 1995 New SIO has been launched as a result of analysis 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Conclusions free access to information and IT; free exchange of information; free expression of individual opinions. A global international educational network should be established! 1.12.2018 ComNED '99
Internet: A Land To Settle Rather Than An Ocean To Surf 1.12.2018 ComNED '99