ESTP I 18-19 October 2012, Luxembourg Item 4 of the agenda Working Group European Statistical System Learning and Development Framework & Human Resources Management ESTP I 18-19 October 2012, Luxembourg Item 4 of the agenda
ESTP I - Purpose For the period 2007 – 2011, the European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) I aimed at: - quality of European statistics; - qualification of statisticians; - theoretical and practical training; - exchange of best practices and experience. - raising the overall quality of European statistics; - raising the qualification of statisticians in order to promote their independence; - encouraging both theoretical and practical training; - encouraging the exchange of best practices and experience.
ESTP I – Deliverables Courses delivered Year Number of ESTP courses organised by Total courses Participants EUROSTAT on its premises EFTA Contractors in Member States 2004 4 - 77 2005 5 2 11 309 2006 8 3 7 18 461 2007 9 19 475 2008 6 27 587 2009 10 32 683 2010 2(1) 14 565 2011 8 (1) 22 383 (2) 2004-2006 17 47 847 2007 - 2011 42 71 127 2693 2004 - 2011 59 82 160 3540 The figures of the offered courses and the number of the participants confirm the success of ESTP I programme. At the end of 2011 the total number of statisticians having participated in the 160 courses of the ESTP amounted to 3540. (1) 1 course cancelled. (2) 2011 figures for some courses are not complete.
Courses per statistical domain ESTP I - Deliverables 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total area Economic agricultural accounts 1 National accounts - ESA 95 3 2 4 20 EU trade statistics 6 Seasonal adjustment 12 Education statistics European Statistical User Support Structural Business Statistics C 5 Output prices (SPPI) Surveys (Non response, Labour Force, methodology) 13 Prodcom Statistics Government Finance Statistics Statistical Disclosure Control Quality 17 Study visit Statistical Methodologies for the integration of data sources Advanced sampling Data analysis Dissemination and publication 9 Business registers Administrative sources Waste statistics New advanced technologies Nomenclatures 8 European Statistical System 7 Statistical metadata Training of statistical trainers TOTAL ALL 11 18 19 27 32 22 160 Courses per statistical domain
ESTP I - Participation 2009-2011 Participants by group of beneficiaries In 2011, almost 87 % of all participants were indeed ESS statisticians, i.e. from EU Member States, EFTA and Eurostat. 68% of them came from EU Member States, 8% from EFTA (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), 8% from Candidate countries (Croatia, Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 11% from Eurostat and 5% from NSIs of non-ESS countries or from international organisations. The number of applications for ESTP I courses received indicates a strong interest in the programme. Although the number of courses increased considerably since 2007 the overall demand could not be fully met by the courses on offer. EU27 ESTAT EFTA CC Other 2009 77,7% 4,7% 4,3% 9,6% 3,8% 2010 67,3% 10,6% 6,0% 11,3% 4,8% 2011 67,9% 11,0% 7,6% 7,8% 5,5% EU ESTAT EFTA CC Other Total 2009 511 31 28 63 25 658 2010 380 60 34 64 27 565 2011 260 42 29 30 21 383
ESTP I - Participation in 2011 EU27 participants (per country)
ESTP I - Participation 2009-2011 EFTA participants (per country)
ESTP I - Participation 2009-2011 CC participants (per country)
ESTP I - Participation 2009-2011 2011 participants (more than 10 participants) DE DK FI IT LV NL PL SI SK NO HR TR 2009 59 15 10 49 9 17 22 35 8 41 21 % 9% 2% 7% 1% 3% 5% 6% 2010 37 27 18 19 28 43 20 8% 4% 2011 45 12 14 13 26 12% 2011 participants (less than 5 participants) BG CY CZ FR HU LU PT LI MK 2009 18 5 30 10 9 12 1 % 3% 1% 5% 2% 0% 2010 13 4 15 8 2011 3 2 9
ESTP I – Evaluation by participants ( %) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 A00 2011 71 74 78 2010 70 76 2009 67 73 2011 top 3 ranking in final evaluation: Quality management in statistical agencies – advanced Training for statistical trainers and other professionals Nomenclatures, classifications and their harmonisation
ESTP I – Evaluation by Eurostat ESTP I was a successful programme: Very good coordination – keep it also in ESTP II Contractors NSIs NCPs ESTAT - continue the very good cooperation, coordination and communication between ESTAT, NSIs and the contractors; - continue respecting the contractual and budgetary issues (change of trainers, reports quality and deadlines); - organise meetings with the contractors before and/or after each annual programme
ESTP I – Lessons learned Quality maintain ESTP II Methods follow trends update if necessary CIRCABC main library all courses material maintain the overall good quality in the ESTP II programme maintain and further improve the European dimension; follow and update if necessary the new teaching trends; - keep and use the CIRCABC as the main library of the courses material;
Thank you for your attention Any questions? Georgios Xenellis Eurostat Unit A3 Tel: +352 4301 35384 E-mail: