Zuzana Podmanická Statistical Office of the SR Slovakia Tour de table on national initiatives and developments related to geo-statistics within a national spatial data infrastructure Zuzana Podmanická Statistical Office of the SR WORKING PARTY / MEETING GIS FOR STATISTICS – JOINT MEETING WITH NMA AND NSO LUXEMBOURG, BUILDING BECH – ROOM AMPERE 03. – 04. MARCH 2008
The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Conception NSDI is set of elements which provide the functionality for the interoperability of geographical information sources. The geographical information sources consist of: the geographical and spatial information (GI), the geographical information systems (GIS) and the information services (integration of GI, publication of GI, finding of GI, retrieval of GI, visualization of GI, geoprocessing and the creation of added value of GI). The elements of NSDI are: Metadata and catalogue services spatial data and data services, network services and technologies, the rules of sharing, accessing and exploitation of data and services, coordinating and monitoring mechanisms, processes and procedures. NSDI is not primarily about technology but about developing a clear framework of agreements between gomernment agencies, between government, the private sector and citizens on terms through which the use of public information can be maximized for the benefit of all.
The National Spatial Data Infrastructure Institutional Framework - the Ministry of Finance of the SR - central authority of state administration for informatisation of society the SR Government Office - control authority of state administration for informatisation of society Key players the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority dominating role in the preparation of NSDI develops tasks in three main fields: geodetic control, real estate cadastre and state map series the Ministry of Environment has mandate to coordinate the implementation of INSPIRE directive Participating bodies of state administration private companies institutes of science - individuals NSDI web sites - examples Geoportal NSDI: http://www.geonet.sk Geoportal: http://www.geoportal.sk Cadastral portal: http://www.katasterportal.sk
Geoportal NSDI: http://www.geonet.sk
Geoportal of GCCA: http://www.geoportal.sk
Cadastral portal: http://www.katasterportal.sk
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments Preparatory phase Preparation of the Directive Main Responsibility Ministry of Environment Joint Responsibility Geodesy, Cadastre and Cartography Authority Collective attitudes to the proposals of EC and EP
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments Preparatory phase Involvement of the SR through SDIC and LMO concepts LMO Legally Mandated Organisation Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority Slovak Environmental Agency GEONET.SK Slovak Association for Geoinformatics Statistical Office SDIC Spatial Data Interest Community
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments 15 May 2007 INSPIRE Directive in force
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments Transposition phase (2007) INSPIRE Directive The SR Government appraisal Department of Law Approximation Preliminary decision of responsibility Ministry of Environment The Government and Central Public Administration Act (Competency Act) num. 575/2001 Z.z. as amended Statement of the Ministry of Environment OK Government resolution (3 October 2007): the Ministry of Environment = INSPIRE Contact Point
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments Transposition phase (2007) Call for nomination of the relevant bodies October 2007 Ministry of Environment Nomination of representatives November 2007 Working Group on INSPIRE Nominated bodies The Ministry of Environment - The Government Office - The Ministry of Finance - The Geodesy, cadastre and cartography Authority- The Statistical Office - The Ministry of Economy - The Ministry of Interior - The Ministry of Health Service - The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family - The Ministry of Agriculture - The Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications - The Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments Transposition phase (2008-2009) Analysis of current laws Cost-benefit analysis Strategy of implementation Legislative Proposal Working Group on INSPIRE Internal negotiation Operational consultation of Minister of environment New law (Article version) September 2008 Inter-department negotiation National Council of the SR The Government Office The Legislative Council of Government Session of the SR Government 15 January 2009 Adoption of Law Entry into force on 15 May 2009
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments Working Group on INSPIRE Organisation aspects of WG - Advisory body of Minister of environment - Meetings once a month (first meeting – November 2007) - Participation (active – passive) - Minutes of the meetings - Information - via web INSPIRE@SK (http://www.sazp.sk/inspire/) Contents aspects - Proposal of implementation strategy – it should deal with organisation, finance, legislative and time issues (Road Map) - Identification of stakeholders Identification of problematic domains, data politics of SR Preparation of papers for setting up the INSPIRE Management committee - Public debating of papers Creating and actualisation of web pages (INSPIRE@SK) - ...
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments Transposition phase Other collective activities Workings Groups: Working group on Data Standards Working group on Spatial Identification Standards Working group on Standardisation of eAccessibility Working group on New Technology Standardisation Working group on Security Standards (established in November 2007 by the Ministry of Finance in partnership with state administration bodies) Workshop „INFO DAY“ Contents: INSPIRE De JURE & INSPIRE De Facto (31 January 2008)
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments State of play Metadata In operation: The Ministry of Environment, The Geodesy, cadastre and cartography Authority, The Statistical Office, The Ministry of Agriculture Interconnecting of MetaIS – absent Minimal support of foreign language versions Insufficient harmonisation against the existing standards Different terminology … Plan Implementation Rules for Metadata - 15/05/2008
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments State of play Spatial data sets The most of desired data exist Unclear competencies to existing data Different / unclear level of data structure ... Plan: Implementation Rules for Annex I of INSPIRE - 15/05/2008 Implementation Rules for Annex II&III of INSPIRE - 15/05/2012
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments SPATIAL DATA THEMES and responsibility of state administration
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments SPATIAL DATA THEMES and responsibility of state administration
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments State of play Spatial data services Sporadic implementations of services of display, saving and coordinate transformations ... Plan Implementation Rules for searching and display – 15/05/2008 Implementation Rules for saving (Downloadservices) – 15/11/2008 Implementation Rules for coordinate transformations - 15/11/2008
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments State of play Network services and technologies Data sharing runs only inside the departments / companies ... Plan: Implementation Rules for conditions of data access and of data use – 15/05/2009 Implementation Rules for spatial data services within computer network - 15/11/2010
INSPIRE & National Initiatives and Developments State of play Monitoring and reporting Up to the present - via „State of Play reports“ - annually (http://inspire.jrc.it/state_of_play.cfm) ... Plan Implementation Rules for monitoring and reporting – 15/05/2008
for your attention. Thanks www.statistics.sk zuzana.podmanicka@statistics.sk