Science and the Environment 1.1
Explain using examples.
A. Environmental Science = The study of human impact on the environment. Goal: To understand and solve environmental problems.
Major fields of study that contribute to environmental science Biology Zoology Botany Microbiology Ecology Earth Science Geology Paleontology Climatology (meteorology) Hydrology Physics Engineering Chemistry Biochemistry Geochemistry Social Sciences Geography Anthropology Sociology --The study of how organisms interact with each other and the environment. And much more…
B. Our Environment through time… Hunter-gatherer Agricultural revolution Industrial revolution
Hunter-Gatherer Chatacteristics Most of human history Nomadic Ate food that was available at the time. Effects on the environment Extinctions of large mammals.
Agricultural Revolution Characteristics 10,000 yrs ago Support 500x more people than HG Changed our diet ( grain based) Effects on the environment Increase pressure on local environment (water, soil, etc) Domestication of plants and animals. Loss of natural ecosystemsloss of soil, increase floods, water shortages… population growth
Industrial Revolution Characteristics Shift in energy source to coal & oil Increase efficiency in agriculture, industry, transportation… Mass productions Improve quality of life (?) Effects on the environment Urbanization Environmental contaminations (artificial substances, pollution) population growth
C. Spaceship Earth
C. Spaceship Earth Earth is a closed system Earth is all we have. Only thing that enters/exit is energy (in form of light and heat) Earth is all we have.
D. Environmental Problems 1. Loss of natural resources a. Renewable – replaced relatively quickly 1) Water, air, (soil), trees, crops. b. Nonrenewable – forms slower than it is consumed 1) Minerals, fossil fuels c. Both can be depleted.
D. Environmental Problems 2. Pollution a. Biodegradable 1) Sewage, food wastes b. Nonbiodegradable 1) Not broken down by natural processes 2) Mercury, lead, plastics 3) Can accumulate in the environment
D. Environmental Problems 3. Loss of biodiversity (number and variety of organisms) a. Many mass extinctions in the past, but current extinctions are caused by humans. b. Species are nonrenewable c. Species benefit us in many ways.