Presents – MS Project Fine Tuning Assignments FrontRange Colorado MPA Presents – MS Project Fine Tuning Assignments Genea Mallow-Jensen 02/20/2007 © 2005 MPA. All rights reserved.
Thank you for joining us! Welcome! Thank you for joining us! Agenda: 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM Sign-In, Refreshments & Networking 6:30 PM – 6:45 PM Welcome and Announcements 6:45 PM – 8:45 PM Presentation 8:45 PM – 9:00 PM Q&A and Closing
Thank You to tonight’s MPA Sponsors!! Thanks!
Fine Tuning Assignments in MS Project What if you have resources that get costed to the project differently for different skills? What if you need increased resource rates planned into future years? What if all the resources assigned to a task won’t be working on it at the same time? What if you need to set up variable consumption rates for material resources?
Fine Tuning Resource Rates Material Resources Fixed material rates Variable material rates Setting up rates for resources Work Resources Named or Generic Regular rates Overtime rates Time based rate changes Skill based rate changes
Fine Tuning Assignments Assignment information What? And Where? How does MS Project schedule work? Contour assignment work More realistic work patterns Schedule effects
Fine Tuning Assignments Delay a resource’s assignment work on an task Resources working on a task at different times
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