Lesson 6: Life Without Sight


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 6: Life Without Sight Teacher: Min Young Kim Kongjin Middle School Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Today’s Objectives We will be able to… Learn new words and make sentences using them. Guess the title of paragraphs and put them in order. Answer true or false questions and complete a graphic organizer.

What do these people have in common?

OR… 4 Disability? Ability?

New Words From Lesson 6

The first paragraph… I grew up blind and I always had two dreams. One was to see. The other was to play hockey. I think I am very happy because I was able to do both. Subtitle of this paragraph: → Two Dreams in My Life

What is the subtitle of your paragraph? 1. Two Dreams in My Life A Successful Operation on My Eyes Losing My Sight Again Better Life Without Sight Memories of My Childhood My New Life with Sight

Figure out the order of the paragraphs in your team!

D- Memories of My Childhood I lost my sight when I was two years old. So I don’t remember anything about my childhood. Of course, I do have some memories about my family and friends. But those memories are not based on my sight. They are just from hearing and touching things. I have lived almost all my life as a blind man except for a very short period of time.

B- A Successful Operation On My Eyes When I was twenty five years old, I first met Barbara, my wife. She helped me see. She took me to a very good eye doctor. The doctor and his team did an operation on my eyes. It was a big success. I gained my sight. I could see.

A- My New Life With Sight At first, however, I was not so happy because I didn’t know how to see. I had to touch things first in order to see them. I was good at touching, smelling, or hearing. I was not ready to see with my eyes. But with the help of doctors, I learned how to see without touching. I saw my family. I saw my house. I saw cars and streets. I saw the sky and trees. I even played hockey.

E- Losing My Sight Again About a year after the operation, however, I began to lose my sight again. I could no longer see. I was really afraid to go back to the world of darkness. But I couldn’t help it. Now I cannot see anything at all again.

C- Better Life Without Sight I still miss my old days, but I see better now. As a person who has experienced both worlds, I now understand the meaning of seeing. I saw a lot of things. Some were really beautiful. Others were ugly. Those memories will stay with me for the rest of my life. Now, as a blind man again, I see a lot better than before. I think I’m happy without sight. I realized that we don’t really see with our eyes. We don’t need eyes to see the truth about ourselves, about others, or about life. We can see the truth without eyes.

The Order of the Paragraphs D – B – A – E - C

Are these sentences true or false?

Let’s check our answers! I was born blind. (T/F) My mother took me to an eye doctor. (T/F) I learned to see with the help of my doctors. (T/F) After the operation, I even played the piano. (T/F)

About a month after the operation, I began to lose my sight again About a month after the operation, I began to lose my sight again. (T/F) I only have good memories of my past. (T/F) We can see the truth without eyes. (T/F)

Graphic Organizer

Proverb The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart. <Helen Keller>

Good work, everyone! Enjoy the rest of your day ☺