Junior Cycle Information Evening
Framework for Junior Cycle Vision “Junior cycle places students at the centre of the educational experience enabling them to actively participate in their communities and in society and to be resourceful and confident learners in all aspects and stages of their lives.” Framework for Junior Cycle
Framework for Junior Cycle Each school’s programme: - will be guided by the twenty-four statements of learning, eight principles and eight key skills that are at the core of the new Junior Cycle - will encompass learning in subjects or a combination of subjects and short courses - will include an area of learning entitled Wellbeing - will provide a range of other learning experiences - may include priority learning units (PLUs) that will help to provide a junior cycle programme that is appropriate to the needs of particular students with significant special educational needs.
The Principles For Junior Cycle Education Engagement and participation Creativity innovation Choice and flexibility Continuity and development Quality Wellbeing Inclusive education Learning to learn
Key Skills Literacy Numeracy Communicating Managing myself Staying well Managing information & thinking Being creative Working with others
Subjects PHASE 1 ENGLISH Introduced to 1st years in 2014-2015 For certification in autumn 2017 PHASE 2 SCIENCE AND BUSINESS STUDIES Introduced to 1st years in 2016-2017 For certification in autumn 2019 PHASE 3 IRISH, MODERN LANGUAGES AND ART, CRAFT & DESIGN Introduced to 1st years in 2017-2018 For certification in autumn 2020 Irish, English & Maths - compulsory – minimum 240 hours- assessed at Higher and Ordinary Level All other subjects are optional and are designed for a minimum of 200 hours – assessed at Common Level PHASE 4 MATHS, HOME ECONOMICS, HISTORY, MUSIC AND GEOGRAPHY Introduced to 1st years in 2018-2019 For certification in autumn 2021 PHASE 5 TECHNOLOGY SUBJECTS, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, JEWISH STUDIES AND CLASSICS Introduced to 1st years in 2019-2020 For certification in autumn 2022
Wellbeing From 2017 Wellbeing will incorporate learning traditionally included in PE, SPHE and CSPE. A school may also choose to include other areas in their provision for Wellbeing, e.g. Guidance. Up to 400 hours will be available for learning in the area of Wellbeing commencing with a minimum of 300 hours of timetabled engagement from 2017 and moving to the full complement of time as the new junior cycle is fully implemented in schools.
Assessment A written Assessment Task that will be based on the second Classroom- Based Assessment, will be submitted to the SEC for marking along with the state-certified examination. The written Assessment Task may require the student to demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge and skills developed during the second Classroom-Based Assessment. An externally assessed, state-certified examination for all subjects at the end of third year. (2 hours) There will be a range of assessment approaches to complement learning within subjects Ongoing assessments including routine teacher-designed tasks and tests Two Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) one conducted in second year and one conducted in third year (Common Level)
CBAs CBAs are a pause in the students’ learning that both supports and consolidates their learning. The grade at the end of the three years is no longer the only marker of your daughter’s achievements. The CBAs will allow your daughter to work over a period of time supported by the feedback from their teachers and others, ensuring that they can produce their best work. What is important for them in the CBA experience, is what they have actually learned about themselves throughout the CBA experience. Here, it is important for your daughter to reflect upon how it has helped them to engage with the subject and their personal growth while examining the feedback as a tool to enable them to progress further in the future.
CBAs The CBAs will be reported on in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) using the following descriptors: Exceptional Above Expectations In Line with Expectations Yet to Meet Expectations How are CBAs reported on? • The Junior Cycle class will receive their Junior Certificate results in the month of September when they are in Transition Year. • The results of these CBAs will be reported on in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) which is issued by December.
Key Dates 2018/2019 – student cohort 2017-2020 2nd Year students
Reporting & Certification A new reporting system was introduced in autumn 2017 NEW GRADE STRUCTURE Distinction (90% to 100%). Higher Merit (75% to 89%) Merit (55% to 74%) Achieved (40% to 54%) Partially Achieved (20% to 39%) Not Graded (0% to 19%)
Structure of the Junior Cycle Assessment and Reporting Short Courses Wellbeing Level 2 Learning Programmes Other Learning Experiences Subjects C U R I L M 8 Key Skills 24 Statements of Learning 8 Principles