Beginner ©Kidslingo Ltd. All rights reserved
Hungry Caterpillar 1 Colour in the butterfly – la mariposa 2 1 3 1 – azul 2 – rojo 3 – amarillo ©Kidslingo Ltd. All rights reserved
Hungry Caterpillar 1b Arco iris – Colour the rainbow. rojo naranja amarillo verde morado
Mini Beasts 1 Draw your own mini beasts in the boxes. Copy the pictures. una mariquita una mariposa una oruga ©Kidslingo Ltd. All rights reserved
INFANTS / 5-7 YRS ©Kidslingo Ltd. All rights reserved
Hungry Caterpillar 2 Colour in the butterfly Hungry Caterpillar 2 Colour in the butterfly. Copy the word la mariposa ____________________ 3 & 4 1 & 2 5 & 6 1 – azul 2 – rojo 3 – amarillo 4 – naranja 5 – verde 6 - morado ©Kidslingo Ltd. All rights reserved
Hungry Caterpillar 3 Draw a line to match the correct word with the picture. una oruga una naranja una mariposa una fresa ©Kidslingo Ltd. All rights reserved
Hungry Caterpillar 4 Colour the butterflies & the caterpillars Copy the Spanish words: butterfly – la mariposa caterpillar – la oruga ________________________________ morada y azul naranja y roja amarilla y rosa verde y azul ©Kidslingo Ltd. All rights reserved
lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado domingo Days of the week 1 Copy the days of the week next to each word. lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado domingo
_unes _artes _iércoles _ueves _iernes _ábado _omingo Days of the week 1b 1. Fill in the missing letter. 2. Write the day of the week in English next to the Spanish word. _unes _artes _iércoles _ueves _iernes _ábado _omingo
Mini Beasts 2 una mariquita Draw a line to match the correct word with the picture. una oruga un caracol una mariposa un gusano una araña una mariquita ©Kidslingo Ltd. All rights reserved