Coffee Shop Talk Heath Sanders Area Agronomy Specialist Oklahoma State University September 19, 2018
Crop Updates Dry Conditions/Rain? Fall Armyworm Status Newly released OSU Wheat Varieties
14-Day Rainfall
30-Day Rainfall
Drought Monitor
More rain on the way
Fall Armyworms Large striped caterpillar ~1.5 inches in length Inverted “Y” on front of its head Fields have multiple worm sizes
Fall Armyworms Active Flight Pattern Started in the summer Moths fly from south to the north Conducive weather conditions 1 out of 15-20 years Will be around until first freeze Generally start slowing down when it becomes cooler
Fall Armyworm Damage in Wheat Can infest wheat from planting through frost. Populations build during summer, typically infest in late summer and fall. Larva stage for 21-28 days Larva is damaging stage feed on leaves (window paning) and crowns and cause stand loss
Fall Armyworm Damage in Wheat “It seemed like my crop disappeared overnight” FAW damage often goes unnoticed; the reason is based on the caterpillar’s consumption 93.5% of all the food that a FAW caterpillar will consume in its life will occur in its last 5.7 days! (from Luginbill ,1928)
Fall Armyworm Management in Wheat Sporadic in occurrence, will occur along field border, can kill seedling wheat Record numbers of worms per linear ft. Treat when 2-3 per linear ft are present in INTERIOR of field, and plants are small Oklahoma State University
Fall Armyworms Scout five or more locations in the field Wheat: 2-3 worms per linear ft, (Active feeding) Canola 1 worm per linear ft Grass hay or pasture: 3-4 worms per square ft Most active in the morning or late in the evening Scout your fields!
Fall Armyworm Management in Wheat Chemical Control Numerous insecticides Alpha, gamma, lambda cyhalothrin, beta cyfluthrin, chlorpyrifos, chlorantraniliprole, methomyl, spinosad, spinetoram, and mixtures
Fall Armyworm Management in Wheat Chemical Control Issues resulting in poor control Dry conditions after wheat emerged Small amount of plant tissue covered by insecticide Continued egg lay well into fall
Fall Armyworm Management in Wheat Cultural Control Killing frost ends their battle! Late plantings can reduce threat of damage. Replanting is an option, but may have needed to change from dual purpose to grain only intentions.
Newly Released OSU Wheat Varieties 4 new winter wheat varieties First time OSU Wheat Improvement Team has released 4 at one time OSU has released 9 wheat varieties since 2015
SHOWDOWN High Yield Potential Performs well statewide Thrives in a variety of environmental conditions
GREEN HAMMER High Yield Potential High Protein Impressive resistance to Stripe and Leaf rust Excellent test weight
BAKER’S ANN High yield potential Strong disease resistance Premium milling and baking qualities Well suited for the Panhandle and north central OK
SKYDANCE Can be used in bread and tortilla production Strong candidate for Organic Production Performs well in SW OK