MULTIPLY a FRACTION by a WHOLE NUMBER 4th Grade - 27. NF.4 Supplies: Each student will need manipulatives to make several sets of fractions. Suggestions: 2 different colors of tokens, beans, stickers, fraction boxes to shade, etc.
Our Problem is: 5 x (1/4) = ___ How many ¼ do we have? 5 Show me 5 separate representations of ¼. XXXX(1/4) XXXX(1/4) XXXX(1/4) XXXX(1/4) XXXX(1/4) How do we find out how many ¼ we have altogether? Repeated Addition ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ = 5/4 Now put all your representations of ¼ together. X X X X X (5/4) Can we leave the answer as 5/4? NO
How do we rename the improper fraction 5/4? Change it into a mixed number How do we make this fraction a mixed number? Divide How many groups of 4 are there in 5? 1 Are there any ¼ remaining? Yes, we have one ¼ remaining. What is our final answer? 1 ¼ CONGRATULATIONS!!! Let’s try another problem!!! 6 X (1/7) = ___