School Uniforms debate 1) I will assign you a side (Pro Uniforms or Con Uniforms) 2) Read the article “School Uniforms Background.” Mark it up and summarize its main points. 3) Work with one neighbor not more or less. 3) Create a Poster! 4) On the front of the poster summarize the key concepts of the “School Uniforms Background” article. Include a detailed description for ALL 5 sections of the article(History, US School Uniform begins, etc.) 5) On the back of the poster choose 6 main points that you think support your side the most. Provide details and evidence to support those points and why you think it is an important argument 6) Pick one quote to support your side and put it on the poster too! 7) Create 3 level two or three questions to ask the other side. Include these questions on the poster! 8) We will have a structured debate in class. Be prepared to present your main points and defend them.