RSP Embedding Guide and Self Assessment Tool Jackie Wickham ULCC/LEAP Institutional Repository Managers’ Workshop 15th June 2012
Over the past few years, there have been a number of JISC funded projects and other institutional initiatives which have focused the embedding of research repositories into organisational systems and workflows. The results have been documented in websites, blogs, conference presentations etc but they had not been synthesised into a coherent whole. This guide collates this learning and experience into a comprehensive and practical guide on how to embed a repository in an institution. It aims to help institutions get the best value from their research repositories by making sure they are an integral part of the systems, culture and processes – the message is don’t let your repository become a silo, link it in.
Why? Help in planning for the REF and reporting Promoting the university’s research in a global context Increasing engagement with businesses and the community Widening access to the university’s research generally Ie why is important that the repository is integrated from the institutional point of view Promoting University’s research – the guide includes a video of Professor Steve Beaumont at Glasgow where he articulates this very well. This driver is of the highest importance to the university.
Launch December 2011 The guide was developed throughout 2011 with consultation and research among the HE community. It was launched in December – RSP blog, UKCoRR and JIC Repositories mail list. Also, a mail shot (by post) to Heads of Libraries, PVCs for Research and Research Managers. Flyers are here if you want to take any away. Uses WordPress as the content management system
Picked up across the world on blogs, facebook and Twitter – UK, Japan, Australia, Brazil.
“Looking through the guide and self-assessment tool, it is evident that the U.K. has developed a solid infrastructure surrounding institutional repositories both within and between institution; …… As a whole, the Embedding Repositories guide and self-assessment tool is an excellent starting point for any repository wanting to take its services to the next level.” Wyngard, Michele L. Embedding Repositories: A Guide and Self Assessment Tool by JISC, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, Vol1, Issue 1(2012) Additional benefit of promoting the UK as an exemplar
Scenario 1 Repository as publications database This scenario shows a situation where the repository fulfils the function of a central publications database as well as the function of storing, preserving and facilitating access to full research outputs (or linking to them, if the object is in another Open Access repository).
Case Study NECTAR – University of Northampton
Scenario 2 CRIS with linked repository In this scenario, the repository acts as the store for actual publications or other research outputs, while the CRIS acts as the master database for research management and publications information, interacting with other internal and external systems, such as those of research funders.
Case Study University of Aberdeen
Scenario 3 CRIS with integral repository This scenario describes a situation where: An institution implements a CRIS with integrated repository functions from the start or Phases out its repository when the CRIS has been modified to perform all the necessary processes currently fulfilled by the repository This scenario has not currently been fully implemented in the UK, but there are indications that several institutions are either intending to implement it e.g. Dundee, or considering it in future. We are including it for that reason.
Case Study University of Dundee
Video Video example - Greenwich Academic Literature Archive (GALA). Repository is publications database.
Video Integrating repository with commercial CRIS (two!)
Video – senior manager view
Video – technical view And that’s just the introduction. Going into the guide, there’s lots more.
Over the past few years, there have been a number of JISC funded projects and other institutional initiatives which have focused the embedding of research repositories into organisational systems and workflows. The results have been documented in websites, blogs, conference presentations etc but they had not been synthesised into a coherent whole. This guide collates this learning and experience into a comprehensive and practical guide on how to embed a repository in an institution. It aims to help institutions get the best value from their research repositories by making sure they are an integral part of the systems, culture and processes – the message is don’t let your repository become a silo, link it in.