Agenda (for me) Vocab Unit 9 #s 11-20 & draw ATSS Finish/Discuss Chaps 27-35 with possible sentences activity Discuss/review Photo Essay & show student samples Quick Rhetorical Analysis practice – to review ethos/pathos/logos (2 handouts (E/P/L chart w/ways to use the appeals & Rhetorical Devices ) ; review independently & practice with Audi Commercial SB 2.14 (2 pieces e/p/l) / venn diagram organizer (Bear Paw & Women’s Right to Vote)
Reminders – 4-10-18 Bring A Thousand Splendid Suns every day! Next ATSS quiz – Friday Idea Sheets: update Today – we will look at sample photo essays – as you should be preparing to work on these as well. Due the end of next week. HW: Work on research paper / Review sample photo essays from Time Magazine **Need a copy of Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell) by April 23! First reading will be the next day!
Vocab Unit 9 – 11-20 & draw
ATSS, Chaps. 27-35 Possible Sentences Generate 8 words that connect to these chapters Your group should now discuss and agree on 8 words together. They can be a combo of words and should be on a new piece of paper. Trade your group’s list with another group. With the other group’s words, create 2 sentences that capture something about the chapter – using at least 2 words in each sentence. Power Quotes – Identify at least ONE power quote per chapter; write it down with page number and jot a few quick notes as to why it’s a “power quote”
The Visual Argument Remember rhetorical appeals to ethos (credibility), logos (logic) and pathos (emotion)? Authors can influence audiences by using images or visual elements as powerful support for their arguments. Visual rhetoric is a term used to describe images that make or support an argument. Visual rhetoric may also include the use of text features, such as fonts and white space, or graphics, such as illustrations, charts, and cartoons. Reflect on the photograph on next pages. What rhetorical appeals does it make?
“Boat of No Smiles” What rhetorical appeals do you see here? Effects?
The Visual Argument, cont. What is a Photo Essay? An essay is an interpretive or analytical composition that reveals the author’s perspective on a subject. A photo essay reveals the author’s perspective on the subject through a collection of photographic images. Just as the words and sentences in a written essay are placed in a specific order, the images in a photo essay are placed in a specific way to express ideas, convey emotions, and show a progression of thoughts or events.
Reading a Photo Essay Consider the photographic terms we learned last week and also, focus on the following items as you “read” and analyze the photo essay: title sequence of images content of photographs captions purpose target audience issue and position Also, consider the rhetoric used in the essay.
Photo Essay Examples - Homework Go to Google and type in: best photo essays time magazine Links for best 10 photo essays of the month (various months) should appear. Visit one website and choose one photo essay for you to examine and analyze: Review the short descriptions of all 10 photo essays and select one to review and analyze today. First ‘read’ – just read it – the text and the images Second ‘read’ – use the guided prompts/questions/tips on previous slides.
Your Photo Essay Review requirements from assignment sheet
Bear Paw & Women’s Right to Vote