Welcome Junior Parent Night
Agenda Preparing for Senior Year Graduation Requirements Career Exploration Letters of Recommendation Technical, Trade School, College, Military Testing-ACT and SAT College Applications Guest-College Admission Information
Waverly Community Schools + Proud to be one of the most diverse schools + A world-class learning experience + Preparing students for real world achievements +Honors, Advanced Placement, Career Center
Counseling Team & College Advisor Tonya Droessler (A-Gl) tdroessler@waverlyk12.net Stephanie Brokstad (Go-Ph) sbrokstad@waverlyk12.net Kristen Gazley (Pi-Z) kgazley@waverlyk12.net http://whscounselingpage.weebly.com Jessica Hernandez, College Advisor jhernandez@waverlyk12.net
Scheduling recently took place Scheduling recently took place. Did your student make choices that best prepare him/her for college? These are the MINIMUM requirements. Colleges often require or expect more that this: 4 English credits 4 Math credits (Algebra One, Geometry, Algebra Two, and Senior Year Math) 3 Science credits (Biology & Chemistry/Physics & 3rd Science Choice) 3 Social Studies Credits (U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government/Economics) .5 General Physical Education & .5 Health 2 credits of World Language
CAREER EXPLORATION Career Cruising Username: edp-student number Password: PowerSchool Password Please have your student log you in. There is unlimited career exploration information. Other resources: www.act.org, www.collegeboard.com, www.collegeplanninghelp.net Summer idea: Job Shadowing and Career Camps at college (or elsewhere)
Letter of Recommendation There is NO REASON not to have a letter of recommendation at this time. Many colleges release their application on August 1st. Teachers are not always easy to contact at this time….why not have a letter ready to go now! Letters-make a formal request, agree on a deadline, submit a formal letter of appreciation Who writes the letter? Templates are available
What is your next step? Encourage job shadowing There are endless opportunities for our students that are graduating Success is something different to each student Military Reserves, Community College, University, Trade/Apprenticeships Trade School/Apprentice Resources: http://www.wmca.info/ http://mltai.org/ www.miroad2work.org/michigan-apprenticeships/
Testing The State of Michigan now uses the SAT during the school year. Students can still take the ACT. Recommendation-Take the SAT and ACT. To register and pay visit www.collegeboard.com and www.act.org. Study for the SAT at KHANacademy.org. All Juniors were guided through this process and established with the test prep website last November. ACT Workshop-visit www.collegeplanninghelp.net (Dr. Bernier)
College Applications Many schools release their application on August 1st There is absolutely no reason not to apply prior to September 1st Teachers and students are both very busy at the start of the school year Students are advised to ask for a letter of recommendation now and let the teacher know that you will be asking them to upload the letter in August