(insert name here) School Multi-Meeting Method for FBA/BIP
Before the 1st Meeting Identify staff who have completed the FDLRS 6-hour “FBA and More” course or equivalent coursework, and any staff who may have advanced training and experience (including those with certification in behavior analysis). Recruit / assemble a new FBA-BIP team, or modify the functions of an existing school team. Plan additional training, as needed. Meet and agree upon specific member roles based on strengths Screen discipline data to identify students needing early intervention. Triage (prioritize) the most urgent referrals to be addressed first. Check the schoolwide (Tier 1) Behavioral Interventions/Systems. Are 75% or more of the students succeeding? How can Tier 1 be improved? Check the classwide/small group (Tier 2) Behavioral Interventions/Systems provided to each referred student. Are 75% or more of the students succeeding? How can Tier 2 be improved? For each referral, ensure that the STAT process has been followed, there has been inadequate response to intervention (RTI), and the problem behavior continues to occur at moderate-to-high frequency.
Meeting #___ Who will attend? What to do? (See FBA-BIP Quick Check) Remember the multi-client approach. The teacher and school need our support as much as the student. Who will attend? What to do? (See FBA-BIP Quick Check) Which tools? Estimated meeting duration: ____ min.s Expected Products/Outcomes: (See FBA-BIP Quick Check) When will we reconvene and review the outcomes?