Incantation: May 2010 Please note: Chapter due dates mean the reading and study guides are completed. Study guides are worth 10 points each as a means of formative assessment: NO LATE WINDOW. Tests, writing assignments, and projects (TBA) will be the majority of the unit grade. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 CHAPTER 7 (SORROW) DUE 4 INCANTATION TEST 3 (DARKENING LIGHT) 5 6 CHAPTER 8 (BLOOD) DUE 7 10 CHAPTER 9 (EARTH) DUE 11 12 13 CHAPTER 10 (SKY) DUE 14 17 INCANTATION TEST 4 (HUSKS) 18 19 20 21 STAFF DEVELOPMENT---- No School!!! 24 AR ASSIGNMENTS DUE (see web) 25 26 27 28 31 June 1 2 3 4
Incantation: April 2010 Please note: Chapter due dates mean the reading and study guides are completed. Study guides are worth 10 points each as a means of formative assessment: NO LATE WINDOW. Tests, writing assignments, and projects (TBA) will be the majority of the unit grade. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday March 29: INCANTATION Parent Letter& Calendar Distributed… 30 31 INCANTATION PARENT LETTER DUE!!! Books Distributed… 1 2 SPRING BREAK---- NO SCHOOL!!! 5 SPRING BREAK---- NO SCHOOL!!! 6 SPRING BREAK---- NO SCHOOL!!! 7 SPRING BREAK---- NO SCHOOL!!! 8 SPRING BREAK---- NO SCHOOL!!! 9 SPRING BREAK---- NO SCHOOL!!! 12 CHAPTER 1 (ASHES) DUE 13 14 15 CHAPTER 2 (BONES) DUE 16 19 CHAPTER 3 (GRASS) DUE 20 21 22 CHAPTER 4 (HEART) DUE 23 INCANTATION TEST 1 (SOUL) 26 CHAPTER 5 (STONE) DUE 27 28 CHAPTER 6 (LOVE) DUE 29 INCANTATION TEST 2 (ANGELS)