-We will be writing a POP health quiz! When you are done- TOTEM POLES! June 4th 2018 1ST Period Language: -We will be writing a POP health quiz! From there we will be moving to our SPELLING TEST This test will be different than all tests we have taken! When you are done- TOTEM POLES! Brook, Iain, Navin need to re-film talk show at some point today! Brendan + Iain need to take REAL LIFE photos for their comic strip at some point today!
May 30th 2018 Language: Journal topic- 3 paragraphs : 1st paragraph: what are you afraid of? 2nd paragraph: how can you overcome this fear? 3rd paragraph: what advice would you give someone if they had this fear? CTS- ONE WEEK EDITING- 3 PAGES Continue with creating presentation for Hughes Hero Project. Answer the following: -What is the Hughes Hero Project? -Why did you choose your hero? -Brief Summary of heroes life
Starting Off The Year Right! Other: Assessment folder signed, spelling homework due Thursday, spelling test Thursday! Bring in white portfolio for tomorrow! Language: practice lines for play, journal due Thursday : what does your ideal last week of school look like? 3 paragraphs French: spelling words, test next Friday, french art project due Friday Science: bill nye sheet due tomorrow! Drama: Practice presentation for Hughes Hero Project! Agenda Starting Off The Year Right!