AKS: _SSWG_35e_ Analyze the impact of topography and climate on population distribution in the region, to include increased pop. density along coastal regions and river valleys, and low pop. density in western areas SUMMARIZE The population distribution for the region in a detailed paragraph (at least 7 sentences) CLASSIFY Make a list of the countries in this region and describe high/low density areas for each (explain why) DRAW A map of the region that shows pop. distribution, climate, and landforms (include a key) PREDICT What the pop. distribution might look like in 20 years with continued rapid population growth as well as climate change WILD CARD Student choice: propose a product to me which will show your understanding of this AKS SHOW Detailed drawings of the region’s population distribution, topography, and climate types in comic strip form SURVEY Note the populations, landforms, & climate types of each country: graph your findings in a chart of your choice (pie, bar, line etc) INTERVIEW A classmate who has fully mastered this AKS—record their answers to your questions to show that you understand the topic as well JUDGE Each country on their ability to support a population, based on the topography and climate types found there