Cedefop dissemination activities ETS Working Group, 5-6 June, Luxembourg Alex Stimpson
2012 Skills forecast Briefing note - Europe’s skill challenge http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/9068_en.pdf Up to 2020 more than 83 million job opportunities (8 million new jobs, 75 million jobs) most job opportunities in services A trend towards more skill-intensive jobs at all levels and less traditional manual or routine jobs a more highly-qualified workforce
New data and results ONLINE Access to online data at www.cedefop.europa.eu
Recently published Sectoral perspectives on the benefits of vocational education and training http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/5522_en.pdf Briefing note - A strategy for green skills? http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/publications/19538.aspx
Some publications in the pipeline From education to working life: the labour-market outcomes of VET (August 2012) followed by a microdata analysis research paper (end of year) Attractiveness of IVET – what really matters (by end of year)
Thank you very much for your attention Any questions? www.cedefop.europa.eu alex.stimpson@cedefop.europa.eu