Record examples “Traditional” (yellow) CONSER standard record (blue) Note: Selected fields only! The next several slides that follow are taken from existing OCLC records, but have been greatly edited to show some differences between records as they may exist in the shared database now and how new records will possibly look in the future. What I will do is show you the “traditional” cataloging record (yellow), followed immediately by my best guess as to how the same record might have been constructed under the guidelines for the CONSER standard record (blue). Keep in mind that the cataloging examples that follow will contain as many MARC fields needed to give a reasonable representation; for example, due to space considerations, the fixed fields are not included. The exclusion of any given field does not necessarily indicate that it would be excluded from either a traditional or a CONSER standard record!
245 00 American journal of family law. 246 30 Family law TRADITIONAL 022 0_ 0891-6330 245 00 American journal of family law. 246 30 Family law 260 __ [Eau Claire, Wis.] : $b Professional Education Systems, $c c1987- 300 __ v. : $b ill. ; $c 28 cm. 310 __ Quarterly 362 0_ Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1987)- 500 __ Imprint varies: Vols. for <spring 1992-> published in New York by John Wiley & Sons. 500 __ Title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 9, no. 1 (spring 1995). 650 _0 Domestic relations $z United States $v Periodicals. 650 _0 Divorce $x Law and legislation $z United States $v Periodicals. 710 2_ Professional Education Systems. Here is the traditional record for the American journal of family law. The cataloger had the first issue in hand.
245 00 American journal of family law. 246 13 Family law CSR 022 0_ 0891-6330 245 00 American journal of family law. 246 13 Family law 260 __ [Eau Claire, Wis.] : $b Professional Education Systems 310 __ Quarterly 362 1_ Began with v. 1, no. 1 (spring 1987). 500 __ Imprint varies: Vols. for <spring 1992-> published in New York by John Wiley & Sons. 500 __ Description based on first issue; title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 9, no. 1 (spring 1995). 650 _0 Domestic relations $z United States $v Periodicals. 650 _0 Divorce $x Law and legislation $z United States $v Periodicals. 710 2_ Professional Education Systems. Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: Simplified indicators for 246 No 260 $c No 300 362 in unformatted note (chose to retain standard abbreviations here because don’t know what was on the piece!) 500 DBO note Note: Subject headings are required in the CONSER standard record!
210 0_ Online inf. rev. $b (Print) TRADITIONAL 022 0_ 1468-4527 210 0_ Online inf. rev. $b (Print) 222 _0 Online information review $b (Print) 245 00 Online information review. 260 __ Bradford, West Yorkshire : $b MCB University Press, $c 2000- 300 __ v. ; $c 28 cm. 310 __ Bimonthly 362 0_ Vol. 24, no. 1 (2000)- 500 __ “The international journal of digital information research and use.” 500 __ Title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 25, no. 4 (2001). 530 __ Also issued online. 776 1_ $t Online information review (Online) $w (OCoLC) 856 41 $u Here is the traditional record for Online information review. Note: The subject headings were removed from this example ONLY because there wasn’t enough room! They include: Information storage and retrieval systems $v Periodicals Online data processing $v Periodicals
210 0_ Online inf. rev. $b (Print) CSR 022 0_ 1468-4527 210 0_ Online inf. rev. $b (Print) 222 _0 Online information review $b (Print) 245 00 Online information review. 260 __ Bradford, West Yorkshire : $b MCB University Press 310 __ Bimonthly 362 1_ Began with v. 24, no. 1 (2000). 500 __ Description based on first issue; title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 25, no. 4 (2001). 776 08_ $i Issued also online: $t Online information review (Online) $w (OCoLC) 856 41 $u Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: No 260 $c No 300 362 in unformatted note (chose to retain standard abbreviations here because don’t know what was on the piece!) No 500 quoted note re: other title information (cataloger’s judgment) 500 DBO note No 530 note; used 776 to generate note instead Note: You would include subject headings in the CONSER standard record, but since they couldn’t fit in the previous slide, they are not included here. Reminder: The title in the 776 has the parenthetical qualifier (Online) because a record for the online version already exists, and one must use the catalog-entry form for this title in any other record’s linking fields. (If you were cataloging the online version now, you would not need to provide the uniform title.)
130 0_ Business process management journal (Online) TRADITIONAL 006 m d 007 c $b r $d c $e n $f u 022 0_ $y 1463-7154 130 0_ Business process management journal (Online) 245 10 Business process management journal $h [electronic resource]. 260 __ Bradford, England : $b Emerald Group Pub., $c [1997]- 310 __ 4 no. a year, $b 1998- 321 __ Three no. a year, $b 1997 362 0_ Vol. 3, no. 1 (1997)- 500 __ Title from issue table of contents (Emerald, viewed Aug. 26, 2004). 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 10, no. 3 (2004) (viewed Aug. 26, 2004). 530 __ Issued also in print. 538 __ Mode of access: World Wide Web. 776 1_ $t Business process management journal $w (DLC) $w (OCoLC) 856 40 $u Here is an example of a traditional catalog record created for the online version of an existing print resource. Note the differentiating uniform title and the link to the print version in the 530/776 combination. Note: The subject headings were removed from this example ONLY because there wasn’t enough room!
245 00 Business process management journal $h [electronic resource]. CSR 006 m 007 c $b r 022 0_ $y 1463-7154 245 00 Business process management journal $h [electronic resource]. 260 __ Bradford, England : $b Emerald Group Pub. 310 __ 4 no. a year 362 1_ Began with v. 3, no. 1 (1997). 500 __ Description based on first issue; title from issue table of contents (Emerald, viewed Aug. 26, 2004) (viewed Aug. 26, 2004). 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 10, no. 3 (2004). 776 08 $i Issued also in print: $t Business process management journal $w (DLC) $w (OCoLC) 856 40 $u Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: Simplified 006 and 007 No 130 differentiating uniform title No 260 $c Current frequency only (310) 362 in unformatted note (chose to retain standard abbreviations here because don’t know what was on the piece!) 500 DBO note No 530 note; used 776 to generate note instead No 538 system requirements note Note: You would include subject headings in the CONSER standard record, but since they couldn’t fit in the previous slide, they are not included here.
130 0_ Health education (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England) TRADITIONAL 130 0_ Health education (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England) 245 10 Health education. 260 __ Bradford, West Yorkshire, England ; $a Birmingham, AL : $b MCB University Press 300 __ v. : $b ill. ; $c 30 cm. 310 __ Six issues a year 362 1_ Began in 1992. 500 __ Description based on: No. 4 (July 1995); title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 100, no. 3 (Apr. 2000). 530 __ Also available online via the World Wide Web. 650 12 Health Education $z Great Britain $v Periodicals. 776 1_ $t Health education (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England : Online) $w (DLC) $w (OCoLC) 856 41 $u Here is the traditional record for a title called Health education, published in West Yorkshire, England. The cataloger did not have the first issue in hand, but knew when the publication began.
260 __ Bradford, West Yorkshire, England : $b MCB University Press CSR 245 00 Health education. 260 __ Bradford, West Yorkshire, England : $b MCB University Press 310 __ Six issues a year 362 1_ Began in 1992. 500 __ Description based on: No. 4 (July 1995); title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 100, no. 3 (Apr. 2000). 650 12 Health Education $z Great Britain $v Periodicals. 776 08 $i Issued also online: $t Health education $w (DLC) $w (OCoLC) 856 41 $u Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: No 130 differentiating uniform title No 260 second $a No 300 No 530 note; used 776 to generate note instead Re: 776 linking entry: Note that the title for the online version is exactly the same as for the print (this example assumes we cataloged both the print and online under the guidelines for the CONSER standard record).
130 0_ Monthly bulletin (Bulgarska narodna banka) TRADITIONAL 022 __ 1310-3067 130 0_ Monthly bulletin (Bulgarska narodna banka) 245 10 Monthly bulletin / $c Bulgarian National Bank. 246 13 Bulgarian National Bank monthly bulletin 260 __ Sofia : $b The Bank, $c 1994- 300 __ v. : $b ill. ; $c 29 cm. 310 __ Monthly 362 0_ 1994, no. 1- 500 __ Title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: 1994, 11. 650 _0 Banks and banking $z Bulgaria $v Periodicals. 710 2_ Bulgarska narodna banka. Here is the traditional record for the title Monthly bulletin, issued by the Bulgarian National Bank.
130 0_ Monthly bulletin (Bulgarska narodna banka) CSR 022 __ 1310-3067 130 0_ Monthly bulletin (Bulgarska narodna banka) 245 10 Monthly bulletin. 246 13 Bulgarian National Bank monthly bulletin 260 __ Sofia : $b Bulgarian National Bank 310 __ Monthly 362 1_ Began with 1994, no. 1. 500 __ Description based on first issue; title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: 1994, 11. 650 _0 Banks and banking $z Bulgaria $v Periodicals. 710 2_ Bulgarska narodna banka. Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: Still need the 130 differentiating uniform title! (title consists of type of resource and frequency only) No 245 $c (but … cataloger’s judgment?) 260 $b: Always use the full version of the publisher’s name in the 260. Use of the shortened version is a previous, no longer sanctioned CONSER practice. (This has nothing to do with the CONSER standard record, I just wanted to point that out!) No 260 $c No 300 362 in unformatted note 500 DBO note
260 __ Isle of Man : $b Wela Publications, $b c1995- TRADITIONAL 022 __ 1356-5362 245 00 Microelectronics international : $b journal of ISHM-Europe, the Microelectronics Society-Europe. 260 __ Isle of Man : $b Wela Publications, $b c1995- 300 __ v. : $b ill. ; $c 30 cm. 310 __ Three issues yearly 362 0_ No. 36 (Jan. 1995)- 500 __ Title from cover. 550 __ Vols. for <1997-> issued by the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society. 710 2_ International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics Europe. 710 2_ International Microelectronics and Packaging Society. Here is a traditional cataloging record for Microelectronics international. Note the corporate body represented in the 245 $b and then the addition of a second issuing body as noted in the 550. For each corporate body, assume there is an authority record in the LC/NACO Authority File.
245 00 Microelectronics international. CSR 022 __ 1356-5362 245 00 Microelectronics international. 260 __ Isle of Man : $b Wela Publications 310 __ Three issues yearly 362 1_ Began with no. 36 (Jan. 1995). 500 __ Description based on first issue; title from cover. 550 __ Vols. for <1997-> issued by the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society. 710 2_ International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics Europe. 710 2_ International Microelectronics and Packaging Society. Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: No 245 $b No 260 $c No 300 362 in unformatted note 500 DBO note Note: 550 and second 710 are the same as in traditional cataloging record. But the 550 doesn’t include any information about the body that appears on the piece being cataloged (and now it is nowhere else in the description)!
246 31 Revue europeene de demographie TRADITIONAL 022 __ 0168-6577 245 00 European journal of population = $b Revue europeene de demographie. 246 31 Revue europeene de demographie 260 __ Amsterdam : $b North-Holland, $c c1985- 300 __ v. : $b ill. ; $c 24 cm. 310 __ Quarterly 362 0_ Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1985)- 500 __ Title from cover. 550 __ Published under the auspices of the European Association for Population Studies. 650 _0 Europe $x Population $v Periodicals. 650 _0 Demography $z Europe $v Periodicals. 710 2_ European Association for Population Studies. Here is a traditional cataloging record for European journal of population. Note the parallel title and the 550 issuing body note.
245 00 European journal of population. CSR 022 __ 0168-6577 245 00 European journal of population. 246 11 Revue europeene de demographie 260 __ Amsterdam : $b North-Holland 310 __ Quarterly 362 1_ Began with v. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1985). 500 __ Description based on first issue; title from cover. 650 _0 Europe $x Population $v Periodicals. 650 _0 Demography $z Europe $v Periodicals. 710 2_ European Association for Population Studies. Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: No 245 $b 246 11 indicators show that this is a parallel title that appeared on the piece being cataloged No 260 $c No 300 362 in unformatted note Added 500 DBO note No 550 note
245 00 IEEE control systems / $c IEEE Control Systems Society. TRADITIONAL 022 __ 1066-033X 245 00 IEEE control systems / $c IEEE Control Systems Society. 246 3_ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers control systems 246 1_ $i Issues for <June 2002-> have title: $a IEE control systems magazine 246 30 Control systems 260 __ New York : $b Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, $c 1990- 300 __ v. : $b ill. ; $c 28 cm. 310 __ Bimonthly, $b 1994- 321 __ Seven times a year, $b 1991 321 __ Six times a year, $b 1992-1993 362 0_ Vol. 11, no. 1 (Jan. 1991)- 500 __ Title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 22, no. 3 (June 2002). 710 2_ IEEE Control Systems Society. Here is a traditional cataloging record for IEEE control systems.
260 __ New York : $b Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers CSR 022 __ 1066-033X 245 00 IEEE control systems. 246 1_ $i Issues for <June 2002-> have title: $a IEE control systems magazine 246 13 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers control systems 246 13 Control systems 260 __ New York : $b Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 310 __ Bimonthly 362 1_ Began with v. 11, no. 1 (Jan. 1991). 500 __ Description based on first issue; title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 22, no. 3 (June 2002). 710 2_ IEEE Control Systems Society. Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: No 245 $c Simplified 246 indicators [Note: According to the CEG, 246 fields are generally input in order of the second indicator, based on defined values for that indicator, most of which are not used in the CSR!) No 260 $c No 300 Current frequency only (310) 362 in unformatted note 500 DBO note
130 0_ IEEE distributed systems online (CD-ROM) TRADITIONAL 006 m f 007 c $b o $d c $e g $f u 022 __ 1558-1683 130 0_ IEEE distributed systems online (CD-ROM) 245 10 IEEE distributed systems online $h [electronic resource]. 246 30 Distributed systems online 260 __ [Los Alamitos, Calif.] : $b IEEE Computer Society 300 __ CD-ROMs : $b col. ; $c 4 3/4 in. 310 __ Quarterly 362 1_ Began with Vol. 1, no. 1 (2000). 500 __ Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 4 (Apr./June 2004); title from disc label. 538 __ System requirements: PC or Mac; Internet browser; CD-ROM drive. 710 2_ IEEE Computer Society. Here is a traditional cataloging record for a CD-ROM. Note the differentiating uniform title and the 538 system requirements note.
245 00 IEEE distributed systems online $h [electronic resource]. CSR 006 m f 007 c $b o $d c $e g $f u 022 __ 1558-1683 245 00 IEEE distributed systems online $h [electronic resource]. 246 13 Distributed systems online 260 __ [Los Alamitos, Calif.] : $b IEEE Computer Society 300 __ CD-ROMs. 310 __ Quarterly 362 1_ Began with Vol. 1, no. 1 (2000). 500 __ Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 4 (Apr./June 2004); title from disc label. 710 2_ IEEE Computer Society. Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: Did not simplify 006 or 007 (cataloger’s judgment) No 130 differentiating uniform title No 245 $c Simplified 246 300 $a only No 538 systems requirement note
500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 30, no. 2 (July/Dec. 1996). TRADITIONAL 022 __ 0069-9659 245 00 Contributions to Indian sociology / $c Ecole pratique des hautes etudes-Paris [and] Institute of Social Anthropology-Oxford. 260 __ Paris : $b Mouton, $c1957- 300 __ v. ; $c 24 cm. 362 0_ No. 1 (Apr. 1957)-no. 9 (Dec. 1966); new ser., no. 1 (Dec. 1967)- 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 30, no. 2 (July/Dec. 1996). 550 __ Sponsored by the Research Centre on Social and Economic Development in Asia, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, 1967- 651 _0 India $x Social conditions $v Periodicals. 710 2_ Ecole pratique des hautes etudes (France) 710 2_ University of Oxford. $b Institute of Social Anthropology. 710 2_ Research Centre on Social and Economic Development in Asia. Here is a traditional cataloging record for Contributions to Indian sociology. Note the two corporate bodies represented in the 245 $c and the addition of a third issuing body as noted in the 550. Also note the new series indication in the formatted 362.
245 00 Contributions to Indian sociology. 260 __ Paris : $b Mouton CSR 022 __ 0069-9659 245 00 Contributions to Indian sociology. 260 __ Paris : $b Mouton 362 1_ Began with no. 1 (Apr. 1957); first series ended with no. 9 (Dec. 1966); new series began with no. 1 (Dec. 1967). 500 __ Description based on first issue; title from t.p. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: Vol. 30, no. 2 (July/Dec. 1996). 550 __ Sponsored by the Research Centre on Social and Economic Development in Asia, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, 1967- 651 _0 India $x Social conditions $v Periodicals. 710 2_ Ecole pratique des hautes etudes (France) 710 2_ University of Oxford. $b Institute of Social Anthropology. 710 2_ Research Centre on Social and Economic Development in Asia. Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: No 245 $c No 260 $c No 300 362 in unformatted note 500 DBO note and source of title note (even though it’s from t.p.) Note: 550 for later issuing body, but no “justification” for the two bodies that appear on the piece being cataloged.
260 __ St. Paul, Minn. : $b West Pub. Co. 300 __ v. ; $c 25 cm. TRADITIONAL 022 __ 1063-0805 245 00 Civil procedure in California : $b state and federal, supplemental materials for use with all civil procedure casebooks. 260 __ St. Paul, Minn. : $b West Pub. Co. 300 __ v. ; $c 25 cm. 310 __ Annual 440 _0 American casebook series 500 __ Description based on: 1991 ed.; title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: 1992 ed. 650 _0 Civil procedure $z California. 650 _0 Court rules $z California. 710 2_ West Publishing Company. Here is a traditional cataloging record for Civil procedure in California. Cataloger did not have first issue in hand. Note the 440 series added entry.
260 __ St. Paul, Minn. : $b West Pub. Co. 310 __ Annual CSR 022 __ 1063-0805 245 00 Civil procedure in California : $b state and federal, supplemental materials for use with all civil procedure casebooks. 260 __ St. Paul, Minn. : $b West Pub. Co. 310 __ Annual 500 __ Description based on: 1991 ed.; title from cover. 500 __ Latest issue consulted: 1992 ed. 650 _0 Civil procedure $z California. 650 _0 Court rules $z California. 710 2_ West Publishing Company. 830 _0 American casebook series. Here is the possible CONSER standard record for the same title. To note: 245 $b (cataloger’s judgment) No 300 (All numbering information same as for the traditional cataloging.) No 440; instead, 830 with authorized form of series BUT: if you wanted to record the ISSN for the series, currently the only place to do that in the MARC record is in a 4xx field, so you would have to have: 490 1_ American casebook series, $x 1555-8053 830 _0 American casebook series. or: 440 _0 American casebook series, $x 1555-8053 (which is what is in the traditional cataloging record as well)