AGM 2018 European Semester Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

AGM 2018 European Semester Workshop Getting the balance right between social and economic policy

The European Semester today: What is it? European Semester cycle November: Autumn Package February/ March: Country Reports April: National Reform Programmes May: Spring Package June: Country-Specific Recom-mendations What is the Semester? The annual cycle of economic policy coordination in the EU; The main tool for EU to monitor progress of policies and their impact at national level; A framework which involves the Commission, the Council, the Member States, and all relevant stakeholders at both European and national levels, including trade unions and civil society. Why we care? It covers some of our areas of interest: social policies, labour market policies, education and skills policies, migration policies It concerns both EU and national policies 12/1/2018

The European Semester Today More focus on social policies at EU level & the European Pillar of Social Rights The reform delivery tool Two main evolutions of the Semester since 2017: A more social angle More weight and incentives 12/1/2018

1.1 More focus on social policies at EU level since 2015 Annual General Meeting 1.1 More focus on social policies at EU level since 2015 Country specific recommendations = what the Commission thinks should be reformed in the country following the thorough analysis conducted, particularly in the country report. They come at the end of the cycle, so in June. This graph shows their evolution in the fields of employment and social policies since the beginning of the Semester (2011) up to last year (this year’s CSRs had not been published when this document came out). In 2015 it was decided to drastically reduce the number of CSRs, and to increase the proportion of social CSRs, so what is interesting to look at are the three bars on the right which represent the evolution for the years 2015, 2016, 2017. Poverty & social exclusion Source: Commission, Labour market and wage development report, October 2017 12/1/2018

1.2 The European Pillar of Social Rights What is the European Pillar of Social Rights? EU leaders proclaimed the Pillar at the Social Summit in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 17 November 2017 20 principles to promote fair and well-functioning labour markets and welfare systems 3 chapters: Equal opportunities and access to the labour market Fair working conditions Social protection and inclusion Social scoreboard Implementation monitored through the European Semester What it means in practice: More focus on social policies in the country reports, with more room and a thematic box More focus on social reforms in the recommendations More weight for these policies since the Pillar is a priority for the Commission An opportunity for our voices to be heard more and for our influence in the process to grow new consultations with civil society recently set up by DG EMPL 12/1/2018

2. The reform delivery tool What: Reform delivery tool to provide financial support for key reforms identified in the Semester How: countries select reforms identified in Semester (recommendations?) and ask for financial help (budget of 22 billion €) to implement them. transition phase with pilot project in Portugal Why it matters to us: This is gives more incentive to comply with the recommendations and the Semester with financial support to implement the reforms advised by the EU. Thus, it is even more important to get involved so that the reforms promoted are the ones that really matter. 12/1/2018

Tools for eurodiaconia members to impact the Semester How can you get involved? Tools for eurodiaconia members to impact the Semester After showing you what the European Semester is and why it is relevant to our work, I will now detail the tools you can use to have an impact on this process. 12/1/2018

Phase 1: Country Reports What? When? September-October How? 2 ways: Send your assessment of your country’s situation to the EU through Eurodiaconia Get invited to fact-finding missions Document title 12/1/2018

Phase 2: National Reform Programmes What? When? December-February How? 2 situations: A formal consultation process exists: get involved No formal consultation process: contact the ministries directly and send them your assessment of past and future reforms 12/1/2018

Phase 3: Country-Specific Recommendations What? When? March-June How? In 2 phases: First, send the EU, through Eurodiaconia, the recommendations you want to give your country Second, once the CSRs are published, send the EU, through Eurodiaconia (and your government) your assessment. 12/1/2018

Thank you for your attention! 12/1/2018

Document title Questions ? ROMANA 12/1/2018

Groups work How can we best send you the information about the Semester? How can we help you engage? The EU will decide in November the economic and social priorities for the coming cycle, what are they according to you? 12/1/2018

Connecting faith and social justice through action 12/1/2018