Second Grade Back to School Night Birchwood School
We are here tonight to outline this year’s program in second grade. Topics of Discussion We are here tonight to outline this year’s program in second grade. Schedule Subjects Grading Homework Website Questions
Schedule Daily Schedule Snacks/Bathroom (Send a quick, healthy snack to school. Please do not send cookies, chips, etc. as the snack. It is a working snack.)
Sample Daily Schedule Language Arts Snack Math Lunch/Recess Social Studies Special Science
Language Arts Storytown Reading Series/IRLA (Assessment Piece) Spelling, phonics, vocabulary, grammar, and writing will be incorporated with the stories No weekly spelling tests Journals Writer’s Workshop Narrative, Informational, Opinion, Poetry
Math enVision Math Main focus is addition and subtraction. We also cover place value, money, geometry, graphing, and measurement. Students should be practicing basic addition and subtraction facts at home.
Social Studies Focus areas: Citizenship Communities Geography United States Regions/Native Americans Economy/Careers
Science Focus areas, as of now: Rocks and Soil Matter Animals/Biodiversity Plants
Grading Students will get an overall numerical grade for each subject and a performance grade of 1, 2, 3, or 4 in each skill area. Tests: 40% of grade; Quizzes: 25% of grade; Projects: 25% of grade; Homework: 10% of grade
Homework Should usually be no longer than 30 minutes daily. It will be posted on the class website. Read at home 30 minutes daily. This is in addition to the daily homework. Make sure your child always has a book here to read. Reading Logs – Once started, you must complete your reading log each night.
Tests You will be notified when a test is coming up. Reading: Please refer to the weekly sheets that come home, as this has the information for reading, phonics, spelling, and writing. Math: Please keep the work mats and corrected homework, as these will help your child prepare for tests. Once tests are given, they will be sent home each week. Please sign off on the sheet that is inside the binder indicating that you have seen them. Please return both the assessments and signed sheet.
Drills We will have fire drills each month. We will have lock down drills throughout the year. We will have Bear Sighting drills.
Birthdays Children are not permitted to bring in any food for birthday celebrations. You may send in a small treat, such as pencils, erasers, etc. Invitations may come to school only if all students in the class are invited OR all girls are invited/all boys are invited.
Website Please view our class website for updated information on a regular basis. Website:
Contact Email is the best way to reach me.
Learn About Your Child’s Year Feel free to read your child’s note and write back. Work is also displayed around the room.