Frames of reference and motion
Consider the following situation… A blue car travels along a street with two passengers. One passenger sits in the front passenger seat of the car and the other passenger sits in the back seat. A red car travels in the same direction and is passing the blue car. There is a sidewalk along the road the cars are traveling and a pedestrian is standing on the sidewalk.
Foucault pendulum
Motion: An object is in motion with respect to another object (observer or reference object) if, as time progresses, its position is changing relative to the reference object. Reference frame: A reference frame includes three essential components: 1. An object of reference with a point of reference selected as the origin of the coordinate system; 2. A clearly defined coordinate system. The coordinate system includes the direction of the axis, such as north, south, east, west, or positive and negative direction. The reference frame also includes a unit for measuring distances. 3. A zero clock reading that serves as a reference for future clock readings.
Consider the following experiment: Your friend carries an object and walks in a westerly direction. a) Based on what you know about relative motion, predict what you would need to do to make the object appear stationary (not moving). Write your prediction and explain your thinking. b) Use the idea of relative motion to predict what you need to do to see the object as moving in the easterly direction. Write your prediction and explain it.