Chapter 6 (Chemical Equilibrium) for Wednesday!


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Chapter 6 (Chemical Equilibrium) for Wednesday!
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Chapter 6 (Chemical Equilibrium) for Wednesday! As always… OWL Lon-Capa assignments Lecture videos Textbook Read Do text homework Chapter 6 (Chemical Equilibrium) for Wednesday!

Clicker Question As you increase the temperature of a sample of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume, what happens to the number of moles of gas? a) The number of moles of gas increases. b) The number of moles of gas decreases. c) The number of moles of gas does not change. d) I do not know.

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Chapter 5: Challenge Problem/OWL 147. A 16.0-g sample of methane (CH4) reacts with 64.0 g of oxygen gas in a container fitted with a piston (at 1.00 atm and 425 K). Methane can react with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water vapor or carbon monoxide and water vapor. After the combustion reaction is complete, the gas density at the given conditions is observed to be 0.7282 g/L. Calculate the mole fraction of methane that reacts to form carbon monoxide rather than carbon dioxide.