EProve School Safety Report Due October 24th, 2018 JCPS Planning and Program Evaluation August 2018
School Safety Report Deadlines: School Safety Report due October 24th in Eprove Web-based platform: EProve Diagnostics EProve Log-in site: http://eprovediagnostics.advanc-ed.org/diagnostics/#/log-in
How to Login http://eprovediagnostics.advanc-ed.org/diagnostics/#/log-in All principals should have access to EProve Diagnostics. Principals can add users and other administrators for their school. Trouble logging in? Call the JCPS Planning Department (502) 485-6254
How to Add Users Step 1. To add new users, click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner Step 2. Click on Manage Users
How to Add Users Step 3. Click on ‘Add User’ Step 4. Complete the ‘Add User’ Information box and hit ‘submit.’ An administrator has access to grant user rights, assign diagnostics and control user access to the diagnostics (view, edit, delete, lock diagnostics, open diagnostics, etc…). Limiting administrator access per district/school is recommended. Users can have access to either view or edit diagnostics at the district and/or school level.
School Safety Report
Adding and accessing the School Safety Report Step 1. To start the report, click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner Step 2. Click on Content Library (if you don’t see this option, someone with Admin rights at your school, such as the principal needs to complete this step)
Adding and accessing the diagnostic Step 3. Click on the Kentucky Department of Education tab Step 4. You will see the Phase 2: School Safety Report (Type: Schools). Click on the vertical ellipses (3 dots) to ‘start the diagnostic with custom content.’
School Safety Report Step 5. Rename your diagnostic by adding your school name and the date of 2018-19. (TIP: RENAME your old School Safety diagnostic to 2017-2018 to reduce confusion)
School Safety Report Step 6. Administrators can add other individuals to access this report by entering names in the access tab.
School Safety Report Step 7. To start the report, click on “Open Diagnostic”.
School Safety Report Diagnostic (8 Questions)
School Safety Report Questions 1. Has the school council or, where applicable, the principal adopted an emergency plan in accordance with local board policy and in compliance with the specifications in KRS 158.162(3)? If the answer is “no,” please explain below. Please note that the school council or, where applicable, the principal in each school is also required, pursuant to KRS 158.164, to establish, in consultation with local law enforcement, lockdown procedures; however, you are not being asked to certify that here. 2. Has the school provided local first responders with a copy of the school's emergency plan along with a diagram of the school as required by KRS 158.162(2)(b)? If the answer is “no,” please explain below. 3. Has the school posted primary and secondary evacuation routes in each room by any doorway used for evacuation as required by KRS 158.162(3)(a)? 4. Has the school posted the location of severe weather safe zones in each room as required by KRS 158.162(3) (b)? 5. Was the school's emergency plan reviewed at the end of the prior school year by the school council, principal, and first responders and revised as needed as required by KRS 158.162(2)(c)? If the answer is “no,” please explain below. Please provide the most recent date of review/revision of the school's emergency plan in the district. 6. Did the principal discuss the emergency plan with all school staff prior to the first instructional day of the current school year and appropriately document the time and date of such discussion as required by KRS158.162(2)(d)? If the answer is “no,” please explain below. Please provide the date the school completed this discussion 7. During the first 30 instructional days of the current school year, did the principal conduct at least one severe weather drill, one earthquake drill, and one lockdown drill as required by KRS 158.162(4)? If the answer is “no,” please explain below. Please note that 922 KAR 2:120 also applies to boards of education and requires fire drills be conducted monthly during hours of operation and be appropriately documented; however, you are not being asked to certify that here. 8. During the month of January during the prior school year, did the principal conduct at least one severe weather drill, one earthquake drill, and one lockdown drill as required by KRS 158.162(4)? If the answer is “no,” please explain below.
School Safety Report Step 8. To complete the report, type a response under each question. For example for question 1, if your school has an EMP, the answer is ‘Yes.’ 1. Has the school council or, where applicable, the principal adopted an emergency plan in accordance with local board policy and in compliance with the specifications in KRS 158.162(3)? If the answer is “no,” please explain below.
School Safety Report Some questions will require both a response and a date. For example for questions 5 and 6, there will be both. See sample response below. 6. Did the principal discuss the emergency plan with all school staff prior to the first instructional day of the current school year and appropriately document the time and date of such discussion as required by KRS158.162(2)(d)? If the answer is “no,” please explain below. Please provide the date the school completed this discussion.
School Safety Report All questions require a Yes/No response typed into the narrative. Questions 5 and 6 also require a date. EProve provides space for additional narrative or information to be added. It is optional whether additional information/narrative is provided. Attachments are optional. Examples of attachments may be supporting evidence for a question (for example, upload of drill schedules, EMP, school safety policy).
School Safety Report: How to Submit Unlike the past, there is NO submit button. Click on the 3 lines and “My Diagnostics” to check status of your reports. If every question from the report is answered, Eprove will change the status to a check mark.
School Safety Report: How to Download Download the report for your records.
Questions? For questions on your Safety Plan, call Safety Department For EProve questions, call JCPS Planning and Systems Improvement Florence Chang or Deven Vaught, 485-6254 florence.chang@jefferson.kyschools.us deven.vaught@jefferson.kyschools.us For questions on your Safety Plan, call Safety Department Dave Self, 485-3445 dave.self@jefferson.kyschools.us