HOW TO INSERT A TABLE Using Microsoft Excel
What is a Table . . . . . . and how can it help me? Aaaah!! Hey . . . Get your feet off of my table!!! Oooops . . . . Wrong kind of table!
Luis Hazel Chris Carley Camilo Colin Kaitlin Tatiana Patrick Actually, tables can help make organizing text and pictures, on your page much easier . . . . . . Like this seating plan for our computer lab Computer # 9 Luis # 10 Hazel # 11 Chris # 12 Carley # 5 Camilo # 6 Name # 7 Colin # 8 Kaitlin # 1 # 2 Tatiana # 3 Patrick # 4
or . . . your class schedule! A B C D E F TECH ED Rm 16 Social Studies 8:00 – 8:57 TECH ED Rm 16 Social Studies Rm 24 Science Rm 27 AE Rm 22 ENGLISH Rm 104 MATH 8:57 – 9:55 GYM 9:55 – 10:50 10:50 – 12:12 12:12 – 1:07 1:07 – 2:05
. . . Or this one with colors!
What are the parts of the table? Each box like this is called a Cell Cells can contain text & pictures! And can be shaded with color too!
Vertically stacked cells are called columns . . . (Vertical means one on top of the other – up and down)
Horizontally arranged cells are called Rows . . . (Horizontal means side-by-side)
These lines make up the Table Border (It surrounds the entire table and we can make the border visible or invisible!)
These lines are the Cell Borders They can be made invisible too!
This is a Symmetrical Table - all of the cells are the same size
This is an Asymmetrical Table - cells are not all the same size
So . . . how do I make a table?? First . . . open an MS-Word document
Now, let’s use a Landscape Orientation Page Setup . . . First Select File > Page Setup
1) Change Margins to 0.5” for Top, Bottom, Left, and Right 2) Select Landscape Orientation 3) Click “OK”
Then, from the Drop Down Menu select TABLE > INSERT > TABLE >
Then click “OK” when you’re done From the “Insert Table” dialog box, choose how many Columns & Rows you need for your Table (I need 8 columns and 8 rows . . .) Then click “OK” when you’re done
You should now have a symmetrical 8 column x 8 row table on your page . . .
Left Click on the small square in the lower right corner of the table and “stretch” the table by holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse down the page
Congratulations -You just made your first table Congratulations -You just made your first table! Let’s right-click inside the table, and select “Table Properties” in order to change the table border style
Now, left-click on “Borders and Shading”
Next, select “Grid” and choose a style of line for your Table Border Click “OK” when finished
Your Table should look something like this . . . Now you are ready to add text and shade the cells with colors
Left-click the “cross” in the upper right corner of the table in order to select all of the cells in the table
Next, right-click inside the table, select “Cell Alignment” & choose an center alignment style
Now when you add text, it should be center-aligned both vertically and horizontally in the cell
To Shade or Color a cell, place your cursor in the lower left corner of a cell, left-click, then right-click
Select Borders and Shading
Select the “Shading” tab, choose a color, then click “OK”
You should have one shaded cell You should have one shaded cell . . . Now you can add more text & color the rest
The possibilities are endless . . . Tables will help you organize your text and pictures in the documents that you create. Tables can be used in a variety of applications such as reports, posters, flyers, and even web sites! Be creative and have fun!