June 5 DAy 1
Anissa 7 Lindsay 5 Milo 4 Birthday s
In the Gym NB #1 . NB #2 . After School Sr. Girls baseball
TRACK AND FIELD PRACTICES TODAY ARE AS FOLLOWS: NUTRITION BREAK 1: GR. 3, 4, 5, BALL THROW ONLY! Meet by the Portapack at 10:50am. ***Bring your signed permission forms! NUTRITION BREAK 2: PRACTICE FOR GR. 3 -8 STANDING LONG JUMP AND RUNNING LONG JUMP. Please meet outside the gym at 12:50pm and wait for a teacher to let you into the gym.
In the Music Room NB #1 NB #2 Closed Closed After School Instrument . Closed After School Instrument Sign out
Today is… SUB DAY
Yearbook Team 2017-2018 Attention, All Members of the Winona Yearbook Team - Tuesday Edition! All Hands on Deck! We are meeting after school tonight from 3-4:30 We will be working on our pages and cleaning up some of the files from yesterday that we need done by the end of this week! Mr. Hua will meet you in Rm 2011 after school.
Please check today and tomorrow!! Lost and Found Please check today and tomorrow!!
Come down to the library to pick up your lost items!
Lost and Found Items will be packed up Tomorrow! Check today!
Why don’t you ever see elephants hiding in trees? June Joke Why don’t you ever see elephants hiding in trees?
Because they’re really good at it June Joke Because they’re really good at it
How do you rid of butterflies in your stomach? Mrs. Trotti’s June Joke How do you rid of butterflies in your stomach?
Stop Eating caterpillArs Mrs. Trotti’s June Joke Stop Eating caterpillArs