Partnering with Your Utility Companies for Economic Development Prepared by: Shelley Burcham, San Joaquin Partnership
Work with Your Utilities Why? Work with Your Utilities Utilities Commitment to Infrastructure - $$$ Competitive Advantage Ever Changing Environment EXPERTs in Their Field! 1) Utilities spend have an enormous amount of investment in infrastructure to convey their product. Examples: Electricity / Natural Gas – Transformers, Substations, Power/Transmission Lines Water – Conveyance Systems Telephone / Fiber Railroads 2) Typically the utilities have an “Economic Development” contact within their firms. Build relationship with these individuals to provide a competitive advantage for your region. 3) As economic developers it is important that we have a basic understanding of Utility “lingo”, but it is vital that you utilize your contact for their expertise. Fee structures, rates, laws, incentives are ever changing, they are the experts. What Utility Reps can Assist with…
Identify Properties & Develop Sites What? Identify Properties & Develop Sites Match with Target Industry Needs Attract Investor Development Verify Ability to Meet Project Demands Use your utility representative to identify and develop sites: Match with Target Industry Needs for Business Attraction Foster the infrastructure and environment to attract Investor Development Verify that a location can meet a project’s demand for: Specific project needs on electrical and natural gas. When to use your Partners?
Prospect/Project Intake When? Prospect/Project Intake Identify Energy User - Industry Type Determine Utility Demand Provide Utility Rep with Project Scope At time of Prospect/Project Intake, we can identify the industry type and their basic need for incentives and cost. Manufacturers will have more power needs than Logistics Solar Farms need to be close to infrastructure – ability to tie into transmission lines Call Centers / Data Centers have a need for redundancy, clean power, large voltage, reliability Again, your Utility Contact is the expert that can give the appropriate rates, discuss ability for energy audit, and provide incentives that may apply. Our Prospects/Clients often do not know or understand their real utility demand. (Phil can explain, i.e.: KHMCA) Where to Introduce your Utility Partners?
Introducing Your Utility Partners Where? Introducing Your Utility Partners Initial Prospect/Client Package Custom Rate & Incentive Letter from Utility Encourage Early Discussions with Utility Pre-Development Meetings w/Permitting Officials Introduce your partners at any stage in the process: Include a custom rate and/or incentive letter in the initial prospect package Encourage Early Discussions between Prospect and Utility Representative New Construction / Energy Efficiency Rebates / Energy Audits When facilitating meetings with cities/counties for pre-development review or permitting review of a project, include Utility Rep. How to Partner with your Utilities.
Partner with Your Utilities How? Partner with Your Utilities Build a Relationship Assure Confidentiality between Partners Target Business and Industry Share Leads External Marketing Business Rebates / Awards Tradeshows / Conferences Keep the Competitive Advantage
Contact Information: Shelley Burcham, CEcD Vice President – Client Services San Joaquin Partnership 2800 W. March Lane, Suite 470 Stockton, CA 95219 800-570-5627