Maximum Monthly Benefit FY2018 SNAP Changes Cost-of-Living Adjustments, Income Eligibility Standards, and Deductions Income and Asset Guidelines for Oct. 1 2017 to Sept. 30, 2018 Household Size Gross Monthly Income Maximum Monthly Benefit 1 $1,307 (1,287) $192 (194) 2 $1,760 (1,736) $352 (357) 3 $2,213 (2,184) $504 (511) 4 $2,665 (2,633) $640 (649) 5 $3,118 (3,081) $760 (771) 6 $3,571 (3530) $913 (925) 7 $4,024 (3980) $1,009(1022) 8 $4,447 (4430) $1,153 (1169) (FY2017) Increase in the Gross Monthly Income Eligibility Standard thresholds (130% of Poverty Levels) Decrease in Maximum Monthly Benefits Decrease in Minimum Benefit $16 to $15 ($180 /Yr.) Additional Information on FSSA Website The SNAP rules allow you to deduct shelter expenses that exceed half of your net income, but not a dollar for dollar deduction of shelter costs. After Section 8 and public housing, it is the biggest source of federal assistance to low-income households based on their housing needs. *Assistance groups with a drug felon, a person with an intentional program violation, or a person with a voluntary quit sanction will not be eligible for broad based categorical eligibility, the current limits 2250/3500 will apply. Household Size Standard Deduction 1 $160 (157) 2 3 $170 (157) 4 $170 (168) 5 $199 (197) 6+ $228 (226) Increase in the Standard Deductions Increase in the Shelter Cap values from $517 to maximum amount of $535 Increase in the Resource (Assets) Limits for Elderly (60 and over) / Disabled from $3,250 to $3,500 Non Elderly / Disabled Resource Limit (Assets) will remain the same at $2,250 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This material was provided by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Outreach Contact Information Feeding Indiana’s Hungry FSSA Emily Weikert Bryant, Executive Director 317.396.9355 Mychaela Brandle, Program Manager 317.331.7141 Wyatt Luelf 1-317-234-8893 Suzanne Tryan 1-317-234-8708 317.232.4704 (FSSA) 1.800.403.0864
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