Sustainability in Action at the Glasgow School of Art Credit: Michelle Karpman
GSA Sustainability makes environmental and social action relevant to students and staff at the Glasgow School of Art, taking experience and knowledge gained out into practices, future careers and out across Glasgow. It’s about raising awareness of the effects of our practice on the planet, reducing those effects, simultaneously enhancing the student experience and innovative practices across the curriculum. Since 2009, the Sustainability in Action Group has brought together staff and students to discuss their interests, plan our work and prioritise actions. We are led by the GSA community, and the GSA employs a sustainability coordinator to deliver those actions.
Some recent highlights Our first externally funded project Artists using Resources in the Community Subsequently we won £120k of funding from Zero Waste Scotland for the Radial project Working with Bike Station’s Unicycle Project Student-led: Throwawaygourmet & Bees Engaging throughout the curriculum Rummage Wellbeing ARCH stage 5, Masters of Research, PD year 4, ARCH stage 3 35 hour projects Volunteering, recycling tool kits, GSA Knitting, Yoga, Mural, Craft club, walking group
Come here, there’s more We are here to assist any staff or student initiative We offer incentives such as an annual Degree Show prize and SiAG funding We support student groups such as the Tontine Student Café, Fair Trade and eating better An annual Go Green Week, brings students from across Glasgow together We support students to put on films, talks and events relevant to their practice We encourage re-use on campus and within practice with WARPit and Glasgow Scrap Store Ethical investment Greener travel, working with Glasgow Bike Station and cycle groups Encourage a change to sustainable cleaning products Help us organise Greener meetings Advise on campus redevelopments Assist with mandatory reporting to Scottish Government
Why do it? The Living Planet is a system that is changing like never before
But you don’t have to be a die-hard environmentalist…. Just consider issues within your own practice or work It’s up to us all to define sustainable practice. Sustainability in the GSA context aims to foster your awareness and knowledge of wider environmental, social and ethical issues within practice. If science has the answers, creatives have the power to communicate, explain, and foster understanding. We can explain the World, our place in it, and provide emotional foundation through building, design and art.
GSA and Sustainability: Shared Values Creativity Difference Sustainability Responsibility Internationalism Pluralism
Art is Powerful Creative practice connects us to issues, raises emotions, informs and questions issues in critical ways. Art can make us aware and make us take personal and professional action to peacefully change how society thinks and acts.
The GSA’s Strategic Plan If not for the planet, then why do it? Key Business Benefits Cost savings – help the GSA reach its target to create a 5% financial surplus Make campus redevelopments more resilient to climate change and more efficient to run Better quality research – and more funding Inter-disciplinarity learning – more connections Students with wider practice experience & skills Build a positive reputation as a World Leader This action is not a subject in itself It speaks the language of practice It extends thoughts and practice Rethinks but does not constrain academic freedoms GSA Values Creativity Difference Sustainability Responsibility Internationalism Pluralism
Independent and Critical Thinkers Resourceful and Responsible Looking at environmental, social and ethical issues, whether on campus or within our practice means we schieve better Graduate Outcomes Subject Specialists Investigative Independent and Critical Thinkers Resourceful and Responsible Effective Communicators Confident Adaptable Experienced Collaborators Ethically and Socially Aware Reflective Learners foresighted thinking; interdisciplinary work; cosmopolitan perception, transcultural understanding and cooperation; participatory skills; planning and implementation; self-motivation and in motivating others; distanced reflection on individual and cultural models; …and building a capacity for empathy, compassion and solidarity.
How else can you help? Switch off lights and heating – and report issues Use unchlorinated, recycled paper Cycle or walk to work Eat better – and ask for more veg options Look after your wellbeing to better connect to yourself, others and nature Spread the word on other opportunities ….or start your own thing
Make sustainable values everyone’s role Making it Happen Sustainability is not one person’s role It is not a separate academic subject It is positive, linking to Government agendas It attracts funding and good quality research It raises academic & organisational profile Benefits wellbeing and staff/student retention Make sustainable values everyone’s role
GSA Sustainability Sustainability in Action Group John Thorne Radial project coordinators Jenny Fraser and Eilidh Sinclair: