AP World History Exam
Basic Info What is it? A test administered by the College Board When is it? Thursday May 12 That’s 127 days away! Why take it? If you take the exam in May, you won’t have to take our spring final exam! If you get a 3*, 4, or 5 on the test then you will receive college credit for World History
Cost There is a registration fee (approximately $90) to take the exam If you cannot pay for the fee, talk with your counselor and they will get the cost covered We will give you more information later in the semester about registering/paying for the exam!
Connection to Our Class Your score on the AP exam does not change anything about your grade in my class. My class is basically a test preparation class to help you do well on the AP exam, but if you pass the AP exam that doesn’t mean you automatically pass my class. (And if you fail the AP exam, that doesn’t mean you automatically fail my class.) They are completely separate.
What does the test look like? Section Multiple Choice Free Response (Essay) Weight 50% # of Questions 70 3 essays DBQ Change and Continuity over Time (CCoT) Compare and Contrast Time Allowed 55 minutes 10 minutes to read the DBQ documents 120 minutes to answer all 3 essays (40 minutes per essay) Total Testing Time: 3 hours and 5 minutes
How is it scored? Score Percentage of Test Takers (2015) Status 1 18.2% Not Passed 2 30.1% 3 31.3% Passing with College Credit in some schools (public Texas universities) 4 14% Passing with College Credit 5 6.4%
Multiple-Choice Section 70 questions You do NOT lose points for wrong answers, so you should guess on every question! Question Breakdown Unit Time Period Percentage of Questions Unit 1 - Ancient ? – 600 BCE 5% Unit 2 - Classical 600 BCE – 600 CE 15% Unit 3 - Postclassical 600 CE – 1450 CE 20% Unit 4 - Early Modern 1450 – 1750 Unit 5 - Modern 1750 – 1900 Unit 6 - Late Modern 1900 – present
Free Response (Essay) Section Each essay is scored out of 9 (using the rubrics we’ve been using all year) Essay topics could be ANYTHING (*fingers crossed for the Mongols or Mansa Musa*)
2015 DBQ
2015 CCOT
2015 Compare and Contrast
Why should you take the AP exam? You could get college credit Even if you don’t pass, it looks good to colleges that you tried It’s great experience for next year (future AP/IB students, especially) You will not have to take our spring final exam!
If you want a 4 or a 5… You have to be doing extra review outside of class. Get an AP test prep book (go to Half Price Books – they always have a ton) and work through it on your own We will help you review in class – the three weeks leading up to the AP exam there will be no new content, just review.