I Have Decided Joshua 24:15
Life is Full of Decisions We decide what to wear, what car to buy, when to leave the house. Not every decision will be easy, and we often can make the wrong one, or maybe we just don’t choose the best answer. Pleasing God requires many choices. The first one: Choosing whether or not to follow Jesus.
Evidence Based Decisions Making an informed decision requires you to consider evidence, much like the judge I referenced. Jesus addresses such decisions with the multitude. We are completely capable of making informed decisions, and it is expected of us. (Lk 12:54-57; Heb 11:1)
Reasons to Follow Christ We were created in his image, for a purpose. (Gen 1:27; Eph 2:10) He the light in the darkness for our footsteps. (Jn 8:12) Peter echoes this statement. (Jn 6:66-69) Moses advises Joshua he will never be alone if he is with God. (Deut 31:8) He brings us closer to God. (Eph 2:11-17, esp.v13,14) His blood paid the price of our sins. He has broken down the partition separating us from God. He suffered for us, expecting nothing from us he had not likewise endured. (1 Pet 2:20-21) He did have a choice. He chose to do the will of his Father. (Matt 26:52-54)
How do we follow him? With boasting and self-righteousness? (Matt 23:5) Does our life say “do as say, not as I do?” Do we focus on what is easy or convenient? (Matt 23:23; Js 2:10) We are to serve others as Christ served. (Jn. 13:12-14) If we respect God’s will, we follow Christ. (Eccl. 12:13)
Be Prepared Some decisions we make so frequently or so strongly that we don’t even have to think about it. Where to land a footstep, which hand to reach with, how to get food to our mouths. We refer to the ability to make these decisions without thinking as “second nature.” Do we treat our service to God as “second nature?” David and Bathsheba (2 Sam 2:11) Joseph and Potiphar’s wife (Gen 39:7-12) When you have a gun to your head is not the time to decide! Flight instructions train their students before the emergency. Soldier’s train so that in the heat of battle they can fall back on their training. We should have already trained ourselves to do what is right.
Conclusion Daniel gives us a great example to summarize how to follow the will of God. (Dan 1:5-19, esp. v8) We must purpose our hearts and our lives to the will of God. This means we must define ourselves by our service to God. It is what we are, and what we do.