Bernhard Berger, Marco Paviotti DG Environment, European Commission


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Presentation transcript:

Bernhard Berger, Marco Paviotti DG Environment, European Commission The Implementation of the Environmental Noise Directive Expert Group Meeting 28 February 2017 Bernhard Berger, Marco Paviotti DG Environment, European Commission

Requirement Directive 2002/49/EC: Article 11 provides for an implementation report to be prepared by the European Commission every 5 years. review of the acoustic environment goals and measures for the reduction of environmental noise (legislation at source) need for further Community actions

Context Noise pollution still the second largest environmental health problem in the EU 7th EAP goal to reduce the number of people harmfully affected Implementation of innovative solutions aimed at achieving a new boost for jobs, growth and investment

Implementation issues Transposition Limit values Indicators Common methods Completeness of strategic noise maps and action plans Public consultation Quiet areas Legislation at source Next steps

Transposition All MS transposed the Directive correctly either through new legislation or amending existing one

Designation No significant problems were found However, designation of agglomerations may pose a challenge and some harmonisation might be necessary Some MS are facing challenges due to non-transparent division of competencies between different actors at local, regional and national levels

Limit values 21 MS have limits 4 have non-binding targets there remains a problem with regard to the lack of enforcement of national LVs

Indicators All MS use the Lden and Lnight when performing noise maps In some cases still national indicators are used for additional purposes (e.g.: aircraft noise)

Common methods Common methods for Lden and Lnight were adopted, and will enter into force during the 4th round of noise mapping from 2018

Completeness of strategic noise maps and action plans 20% of the required noise maps, and around 50% of the action plans for the current five-year reporting cycle, have not yet been reported Entity In agglomerations Outside agglomerations Road noise Railway noise Aircraft noise Industry noise Major roads Major railways Major airports Noise maps completed 78% 75% 52% 69% 79% 73% Action plans completed 49% 47% (average) 41% (average) 43% [1] By June 2015 [2] 22 out of 28 countries [3] 19 out of 26 countries – 2 countries did not have any major railways in 2010 [4] By November 2015

Completeness of strategic noise maps and action plans Lack of priority given to the issue when deciding on the allocation of limited human and financial resources For noise mapping, lack of centralised and consistent input data, lack of effective coordination among the different competent authorities and lack of comparability of the resulting noise maps across jurisdictions For action-planning, delays caused by delays in noise-mapping (as action plans need to be based on noise maps) and short period given between noise maps and action plans (12 months)

Public consultation Although MS claim the public was consulted NGOs and citizens claim they were not Or it is unclear how their comments were taken into account

Quiet areas Only 13 Member States have quiet areas Perceived uncertainty whether the process could be reversed in future and also whether a designated quiet area could be subject to legal restrictions However, where quiet areas have been designated, their number has increased considerably between the first and the second reporting round MS asked further guidance on designation

Legislation at source Regulation (EU) No 540/2014 on the sound level of motor vehicles Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 on the approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles Commission Regulation (EU) No 1304/2014 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock - noise’ Regulation (EU) No 598/2014 on the establishment of rules and procedures with regard to the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at Union airports within a Balanced Approach

Legislation at source Staff Working Document on "Rail freight noise reduction" requiring Member States to draw upon available instruments and financial means as extensively as possible. The Commission also explored the case for a merger between the Directive 2000/14/EC on Noise from Outdoor Equipment with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, but concluded that they should remain separate

Conference on the negative impacts of transport noise on human health Noise in Europe 2017 Conference on the negative impacts of transport noise on human health 24 April 2017 in Brussels With the participation of two Commissioners, MEPs, Member States, WHO, EEA, and stakeholders.

Conference Noise Expert Group Members are also invited (2 representatives per MS will be reimbursed) Please register at: Short Statements by high ranking officials – which MS is interested?