‘Just a Carpenter’ Mark 6: 1-13


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Presentation transcript:

‘Just a Carpenter’ Mark 6: 1-13

1. Our family & town

2. Jesus’ family and town

3. Jesus’ preaching

4. Jesus’ rejection

5. Jesus’ amazement

6. Our Response

i. Stop beating yourself up about. your family and community. It is i. Stop beating yourself up about your family and community. It is not your fault. Jesus himself had the same problem.

ii. Jesus came back to Nazareth to. give them another try. This ii. Jesus came back to Nazareth to give them another try. This encourages us that he is a God of second chances and will give our loved ones more opportunities to respond.

iii. Jesus own family came around later iii. Jesus own family came around later. Mum was on board but his brothers took some convincing. But we see in the book of Acts that James became the pillar of the church in Jerusalem after Jesus ascended. It may well be that your loved ones come to Christ well after you are gone.

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